Chapter 20

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What does that even mean? How are they... poison?

I glared at him and erupted, completely forgetting the fact that I was supposed to be quiet. "Don't you dare make me choose! We're all on one team! Donatella has information about my mother and Daisy trusts her. So I'm going to trust her. If I'm wrong, then it'll be my fault. But you can't talk to her this way."

"Right. I'm no help to you. I understand what you mean." Parker took a step back from me and reached for the doorknob.

"Florest, you need to stop!" Diego called out.

Parker scowled. "Now what do you have to say? Don't worry, I can take it. Yell at me. Blame this all on me.

"Nobody's blaming you, Parker. Stop. Please. I don't want you to go," I whimpered.

"Clover's right. We're all here because we want to find the keys. We want to help her. And if anyone's going to stand in the way of us doing so, they need to leave," Diego said.

"You're basically saying me, right? I'm standing in you guys' way. Got it," Parker responded. "Don't worry about me. Not that you would anyways." He pulled his arm away from me and stormed out.

No! What now?

Diego squeezed my shoulders. "I'll talk to him. Meet us outside."

Zoey and Bizaria both sympathetically glanced at me, then followed the 2 guys down the hall.

What had just happened? Was the team splitting up?

I watched as Donatella tied her hair and sat back down on her chair. There was something different, something off about her. It didn't seem like she was bothered by what had happened. In fact, she didn't seem to even care that practically everyone had stormed away.


It became more clear now. Since I've met her, she was too put together. Too intelligent. Too clever. Too out of this world perfect.

Out of this world...


She spun her chair to face me, adjusted her glasses, tightened her high ponytail, looked me in the eye, and smiled. I now realized parts of her had already begun to fade. "Yes?"

"Which dimension are you from?"

~ End Of Story 3 ~

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