Chapter 6

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"And why would I help you?" I demanded, as Daisy and I followed her back into her lab. All the screens came to life again, some of them filled with code.

"Because Donatella's awesome," Daisy said. "When I'm not under Uncle Nicholas' control, she always shows me cool new Science-y things."

I sighed. "Fine. What's all this about?"

"Lock the door first. And don't talk so loudly. I can't blow my cover."

I rolled my eyes and did what she asked. "What cover?"

"Uh... hello?" Donatella scowled. "Being an apprentice of your father, duh."

I was sure she hadn't meant that to come out rudely. Afterall, Donatella didn't seem like the type of person who would spill all her deepest secrets in an instant, unlike Zoey. She was already taking a risk with... whatever this was, so I needed to keep on trusting her.

"Wait. Hold on. Daisy." I had just remembered something she had said earlier. Daisy looked at me expectantly.

"How did you know about Nicholas being my father and your uncle? Also, don't you understand he's a terrible man? Don't call him uncle so lightly," I reprimanded.

Daisy crossed her arms. "Fine, I won't call him Uncle. And to answer your first question, Donatella told me. I'm telling you, she knows everything."

"Okay... not creepy at all," I slowly murmured, turning back to the computers. "Tell me why my cousin seems to adore you."

"Don't worry. Soon enough, you'll adore me too," Donatella smirked. She opened up something on the computer in front of her. It looked like a document with lots of writing on it. All typed in neat columns. "I need help finding something. It's supposedly a really interesting discovery a scientist from before made. But he had to hide it, saying the world wasn't ready to find out yet."

"And why do you need me?" I grumbled. Sure, I was intrigued by what this discovery could be, but I had bigger things to worry about. Like for example, my biological father was going to destroy the world. Or I think he is. Honestly, I don't know what he has planned.

"Because," she continued. "You're Nicholas' daughter. He won't blow me up if I'm working here with you."

"Don't be so sure," I murmured. My father hadn't cared about me the last 16 years, why would he care about me now?

"So, I'll only offer this to you once. Help me and I'll try to get us all out of here. Or make the wrong decision and stay here forever, where your father has total control over you and Daisy. It's up to you," Donatella finished.

"Okay, okay. I'll help you."

This time, I hope I don't make the mistake of trusting someone too easily.

"Great. Daisy, tell her everything we know," Donatella smiled slightly, turning back to her keyboard to type some words into her document.

"Remember when we learned about Alastair Chilton and his discoveries of new abilities? Well, apparently he also discovered something important. We just don't know what it is because he hid it away. But recently, Donatella and I found a tree trunk in the forest with a message Alastair carved into it," explained Daisy.

"What did it say?" I wondered. Donatella pulled up a photograph on her computer. The tree trunk was huge and on the side were these words.

The World's Greatest Discovery - Find it in my home.

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