Chapter 19

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"Oh no. No, no, no."

"Why does it say that? Why can't I access my files?" I demanded.

"I don't know!" wailed Donatella. "Someone else try!"

Both Parker and Diego stepped forward at the same time.

"I'll do it," volunteered Parker.

Diego added, "I can too."

"Pick your guy," Donatella said to me.

Ohmygosh. Why did she have to put me in this position?

"Parker," I blurted, squeezing my eyes shut.

Diego's smile immediately dimmed but I didn't have time to apologize to him. Parker placed his hand on the mat and took a deep breath.

"Full name please," Donatella requested.

"Parker Sebastian Florest."

Huh. Didn't know his middle name was Sebastian.

Almost immediately, all his information flooded the screen.

I sighed. "So it's just me."

"Wait. Hold on." Donatella took a closer look at Parker.

"What?" he murmured.

Donatella pointed a finger at him. "You... you worked for Clover's father!"

Diego's eyes widened. "You didn't know?"

She whipped herself around and faced me. "Why is he in my lab!? Why did you never tell me about this? He can't be trusted. Who knows what he told your father!"

"Hey! I used to work for him and I don't anymore. He blackmailed me with my brother," Parker barked. "On the other hand, you are still technically working for him. And on your free will too! Why are you yelling at me?"

"Ugh! Like I explained, I'm just his apprentice because he tells me important information. I'm not actually on his side," Donatella yelled. "You are much dumber than I thought you were."

"Guys, quiet down," hissed Bizaria. She was right. They were talking... rather, fighting too loudly.

Parker spun around to face me. "Clover, how can we trust her? She's totally distracting us from finding the remaining keys. And we're literally barricaded inside a villain's castle. I don't know what convinced you but I don't like this. I'm getting out of here." He started towards the door.

"What? No! Don't go," I pleaded, grabbing his hand.

Parker looked at me. "It's me or her. Pick your poison."

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