Extra Chapter

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I hurried out of Donatella's lab when I heard the news. At the same time, Bizaria raced after me.

"Woah, woah, woah! Slow down, Diego! You don't own this place. There are creepy cloaked elves everywhere!" she called out, as she followed me down the dark hallway.

I stopped, then spun around to face her. "Bizaria, let me be."

"Where are you even planning on going?" she demanded.

"I don't know. Anywhere but here."

Bizaria rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. We both know you're going to change your mind any second now and walk back inside because Clover's still in there. You're being way too obvious about your... feelings."

"Well, you're wrong. I don't have any of those feelings," I countered, using finger quotes. My heart was racing at this point. I felt a bit of annoyance, mixed with regret and anger. Of course my feelings weren't completely directed at Parker, who had just shared the news that he liked Clover and vice versa. It was more towards myself. If I had just told Clover when I had a chance...

Bizaria put her hands on her waist, cutting me off from my thoughts. "Diego. This isn't new to me. Remember your little crush on McKenna? Then Jade? Even Bahiyyah?"

"This is different," I snapped defensively.

Clover's more important to me than all those girls combined.

"You know what? I agree with you. Clover is different. One day in the near future, she'll go on to do bigger, better things. She's a very powerful elf and she's not just going to be stuck here with us all her life."

It was true. Clover Southland was history in the making and I was just... normal.

"Still, I have to keep trying. I have to keep supporting her," I said. "She deserves our support."

"I'm not arguing with that. I'm going to support her too," Bizaria replied. "What I'm trying to say is that you need to stop competing with Parker."

I nodded. "Yes, I get that. You're totally right. Clover isn't some prize we get to fight over. She's a living being who deserves to make her own choices. Also, I completely respect Parker. We're not just schoolmates, we're friends now. I think."

Bizaria laughed. "I never thought I would see the day." She put her hands flat up in the air and looked towards them. "Diego Athen. Getting along with Parker Florest. I'm going to need to call the local news station."

"Why?" I plainly asked, frowning.

She pointed towards me with her 2 index fingers. "This could be a big story for them."

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows at her. "And I never thought I would live to see Bizaria Melville making a joke."

She lowered her hands, dimmed her smile, and looked right at me. "Diego. One last thing."


"If you really cared about them, you'd let them be happy."

I looked down. "I do and I will."

That was all I wanted for Clover, and if she's happy with Parker, then I'll wait.

And I'll keep hoping that one day, things will change.

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