Chapter 18

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 I never thought about that...

"So... Donatella, do you have any idea or clue to what the portal could be?" Bizaria wanted to know.

Donatella beamed and turned towards her computer. She clicked the mouse a couple times and brought up a page titled 'Leads'. "It has to be something elves can go through. Or they seemingly can go through."

"So... like a door?"

"That's too obvious, Zoey. Wait. Hold on."

We all looked at her expectantly. She clicked onto another page that was filled with complicated code.

Donatella looked at me. "There's another thing. Your mother."

I paused for a second before I asked, "What about her?"

"Master occasionally brought her up. Apparently, she was never seen after going somewhere and I have no idea where she went. But... he always complained about..."

"What? About what?" I cut in.

Donatella's eyes met mine. "Oh my goddess. I understand the connections now."

"Huh? What do you mean, Donatella?"

"Your mother. I think it was your mother who took the key to the other dimension."

The second the words came out of Donatella's mouth, my surroundings became a blur to me.

I tried to process everything but it was so hard.

My mother. She was the only elf who made it to the other dimension? The one who took the water key along with her and never came back? Was it possible?

"Clover. Come here. We need to check your files to see who your mother is."

I shakily walked closer to Donatella's desk. She showed me a site called 'Official Elven Files' and told me to place my hand on a small place mat she had brought out. I followed her instructions while she typed in my full name into the search bar of the site.

"Okay. Tap your hand three times on the mat," she directed. I did exactly what she told me.

"Now we wait."

About 3 minutes later, a few words flashed on the screen. Words that changed everything.

Clover Kateeya Southland has been denied access to her personal files.

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