Chapter 9

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I rolled my eyes. "Okay, okay. You win the competition of who's more of a genius."

She gave me a thumbs up and a wink that made it seem like hidden within her, there was a softer, more relaxed version of Donatella.

"Where is this guy? Can we get to him today?" I questioned.

Donatella suddenly perked up and began to look around. She wrapped one hand tightly around my arm.

What was going on?

A voice suddenly burst out from behind us. "Let go of her." We both spun around and found ourselves facing Diego, Parker, Zoey, and Bizaria.

"Guys! Where did you come from?" I gasped in delight. I was so glad to see my friends. "How did you find me?"

"We staked out the castle. We were never far behind you guys," Diego replied. "Oh, by the way, what are you two doing?"

I replied, "Finding hidden discoveries..."

"In a tree trunk," Bizaria finished for me, eyeing the stump, a tint of humour in her voice. She was clearly confused by somehow it was funny to her. And nothing... I guess... almost nothing is funny to her.

"And who's she?" Parker asked, as he gestured towards Donatella.

She introduced herself and shook each one of my friends' hands. Impressive.

"Come on, you escaped. We can get out of here now and find the water key. Save the world. That's what you want, right?" Zoey piped up.

I took a deep breath and looked towards the castle. "That is something I want to do but my first priority for a long time was to save Daisy, to get her to safety. Unfortunately, she's stuck inside my father's creepy lair." The last part was said in disgust.

Donatella crossed her arms. "Clover and I have a deal. She's not going anywhere with you weirdos."

Parker stepped forward. "What'd you call us?"

"Tell them, Clover. Tell them our deal."

I sighed. "I promised I wouldn't escape and I have to help her find some... thing that this scientist guy left behind. But the scientist is pretending to be someone else and he's hiding in a tree trunk. I mean, no, he's not hiding in a tree trunk. The clue is! Also, there's this house we have to go to. Someone named Kentucky lived in it. I think."

All my friends stared at me, their mouths hanging.

"Uh..." Diego nodded slowly. "So I have no idea what you just said but okay. Cool. I'll support whatever you have to do."

Aww. That was sweet.

"Plus, you all won't have any luck finding the water key anywhere you think it is," Donatella said.

"Why?" I wanted to know.

"Because I know where it is," she replied.

"So tell me. Donatella, I need answers."

"The key? It's in a different dimension."

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