Chapter 10

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"What!?" Parker and I exclaimed in unison. We all looked at each other in surprise. Not only have I never even heard of another dimension, I was so confused on how the key could be there. I had so many questions but Donatella interrupted me.

"Every one of you. Come to my lab."

"I don't know guys... what if this is some trap?" Bizaria answered, cautiously.

Donatella shrugged as she slowly walked away, leaving me with my friends.

"I trust her," I told them. "She's pretty nice and I don't think it's an act. Plus, she's super smart."

"Parker, do you know anything about her? You know, during the time you were working for The Cloaked?" wondered Zoey.

I scowled. Thanks for reminding me about Parker's previous betrayal.

Parker shook his head. "Never met her."

"I'm going to go. You guys don't have to but I need to find the key and be with Daisy."

"We're coming with you. I'm definitely not splitting up with you again," Diego said.

I raised my eyebrows at him, while everyone became silent.

"I mean... I don't want our group to be separated. That's all," he clarified, clearing his throat.


"If you say so." Bizaria nudged Diego teasingly.

Finally, we all agreed to follow Donatella back into the castle. She led us right back into the lab safely, where Daisy was waiting.

She jumped up and embraced me. "Clover! You're back! How was it?"

I told her everything that had happened while everyone else took in the beauty of the lab. Suddenly, footsteps began to head towards the room. Donatella widened her eyes and gestured for my friends to hide in a small empty closet. The doorknob turned and in came my father.

"Well, what's going on in here?" he asked, looking around. He tugged on a string of LED lights.

"We're just... talking," Donatella answered. "Yup. Getting to know each other better."

Nicholas faintly smiled at my cousin. "Daisy, can I speak with you? We need to talk about the lawn. You had some requests?"

"Yes!" Daisy grinned. "We need to have some more flowers! You guys should keep talking, I'll go." She winked at us before following her uncle out the door.

"Thank you so much for checking in on us. It was sooo great seeing you. Have a great day." Donatella waved.

"Smooth," I whispered to her, as I opened the closet door and all my friends tumbled out.

"Gee. Thanks for the warning, Clover," snapped Bizaria, brushing some dust bunnies off her cape.

I rolled my eyes at her and asked, "Will Daisy be okay?"
Donatella waved her hand breezily. "Yeah. Daisy's been pestering him about adding some flowers to the yard and he eventually agreed. I think he wants this place to look nicer. She'll be fine."

"Now, tell us everything you know about this... other dimension," Parker said, using finger quotes around the last 2 words. Clearly he didn't believe anything Donatella had told us, but I did.

"Let me pull some things up. I had to hide my notes pretty well. Even Daisy doesn't know about all this," Donatella said, clicking on her mouse a couple times.

"But what about finding Alastair or... David's discovery?" I wondered, as I suddenly remembered our previous mission.

Donatella turned to me and smiled. "That was all pretend. I just had to know you could be trusted and if you could actually help me."

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