Chapter 17

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"What?" Zoey gasped. "Really?"

"That's... so cool," I mumbled.

"It's not confirmed that any alter egos have made it to this dimension. Don't say things that may not be true, Axel," argued Donatella.

Woah. What was up with her?

"Okay! And with that, I'll be off. Good luck on your mission. Find me when you're ready to head out to Oasis. If you don't bring me, I'll be the first elf that volunteers to hunt you guys down. Understood?" With one last smile, Axel closed the door and left us with much more information than we knew before.

"What was that all about?" Parker grumbled. "Can we even trust him? From what I remember, he tried to kill us at Doveseen Bay."

"Hey, he's cool. I think he's trustworthy." I saw his face scrunch up after I said that, so I patted his arm to comfort him. "You're cooler, of course."

He chuckled. "I know I am. But thanks for telling me."

"Guys. Wouldn't it be epic if our alter ego has seen us before but we never realized who they truly were?" Bizaria piped up.

Yes, that sounded really cool. What would my alter ego look like in real life? Now more than ever, I wanted to meet her. Whoever she was.

"Don't get so excited," snapped Donatella. "We still have to focus on figuring out what and where the portals could be. Don't you guys want to find the water key?"

We all looked at her at once. Donatella had never lost her cool before and I could see we were all curious on why she was suddenly so agitated.

"Who even brought the water key to the alter ego world?" I was starting to hate this elf more and more. We were going through so much trouble just to get the key back. "Why can't they just bring it back here?"

"Maybe they're stuck in that dimension," Donatella whispered.

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