Chapter 13

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"Rise and shine."

I opened my eyes and found Donatella standing over me, just like when I first met her. I quickly got up and smacked right into someone.

"Oh, gosh! Diego, you scared me!" I yelped.

I scanned the room and saw Parker asleep on the small couch in the corner. Adorable.

We all had decided to sleep in Donatella's lab for the night and she locked the door to make sure my father couldn't get in.

"Guys, Daisy and I are heading out for a bit to do our morning chores. We'll be back in a bit. Just try to stay quiet, okay?" Donatella told us. Zoey and Bizaria were both awake, eating biscuits they had brought from Feather Crown.

"Um... where's that lookout you guys went to yesterday? I need fresh air," I asked.

"I'll take you but we have to be careful," Diego offered.

I agreed and he led me out of the room. The hallway was dark, as expected. We followed the lanterns that hung on the side and eventually, I was brought to a nice-looking balcony. There were roses twisted into the railing and several cracks, but I liked it. The view was also really pretty.

"It's really nice here," Diego observed, leaning against the railing.

I agreed, "It really is. Besides the fact that it's in a scary dark castle my father uses for his villainous acts."

Diego let out a single sad laugh. Then, he cleared his throat and adjusted his cape. "So, uh... last night, after you fell asleep, Parker told us all about what happened. You know? With... you two. He filled us all in."

Oh. Um.

"Really? He didn't tell me," I answered quietly, grabbing the railing with one hand. To be honest, Parker and I hadn't discussed anything about our new... relationship. It was a surprise to me that he already told our friends, without asking me first.

There was a long moment of silence before Diego abruptly turned to look at me

"Are you happy with him, Clover?"

I met his eye and cocked my head towards the left. What did he mean?

"With Parker," he clarified. "Are you happy with him?" Somehow, his bronze skin glowed more than it ever did, under the beaming sun. Was he blushing or is it the heat?

"Yup!" I exclaimed, wanting to get this conversation over with as quick as possible, then froze. That was way too loud.

Diego noticed too so he grabbed my hand, and started to lead me back inside. But someone was at the entrance of the balcony.

Blocking our path.

"Parker, what are you doing?" I whispered, hurriedly. "We have to get back."

When did he even get here? Wait. Oh no. How much did he hear?

His eyes immediately looked down at our hands. Diego was still holding onto mine and I started to panic.

"It's not what it looks like..." I started.

Parker reached his own hand over to me and grabbed my other hand. Basically, I was stuck in the middle of two cute guys. One of them had kissed me yesterday, and the other, a guy I might have had feelings for.

Oh boy.

"I think I can walk my girlfriend back perfectly fine," he snapped, as he led me away.

Ohmygosh. I'm Parker's girlfriend now.

I mouthed to Diego a quick "sorry" and followed after Parker.

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