Part One; I Don't Know You Yet

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all i know, eighteen hours ago we were all alone for four months and now i have a baby to look after and a sociopath to protect myself from.


In the Salvatore Mansion, the one in the Prison World, Elena looked at Bonnie who was trying to solve the same crossword puzzle as they were living the same day for the rest one hundred and twenty three days. It was a night time, and Elena was standing behind the stove where Bonnie was usually standing. She was mixing beans in a pot, she made two bowls of it. Bonnie sat the table silent, and Elena walked over and placed her bowl in front of her and she sat across from her.

Bonnie unfolded her napkin, and Elena handed her a spoon. She smiled at her as a thank you, the smile Elena kindly returned, and beganto eat. Bonnie looked down at his food and Elena looked up at her, there was understanding and concern in her eyes as she watched her best friend.

"I know you miss them, I do too. But I believe in you, because I know if whenever you are determined nothing can stop you" Bonnie looked up in sympathy, and nodded in agreement. She looked back at her food and begins to eat as Elena grabbed the newspaper on the table and stared at it.

"Look who got 27 across!" Elena said proudly as if she was a proud parent. Bonnie smirked with helplessness and narrowed her eyes. "I wish, 27 across is a rock I am pushing up an endless mountain"

"It's an old tongue twister Eddie turned top 40, Eddie Vedder, pearl jam. Yellow Ledbetter"

She sat the newspaper down and Bonnie looked confused. Then she grabbed the newspaper and looks at the puzzle, 27 across is filled in: 'YELLOW LEDBETTER'. A tune plays in the background of the scene. She looked at her best friend and frowned as she was accusing her. "Are you messing with me?"

"Pardon me?" Bonnie pointed at crossword puzzle and looked back to Elena. "I didn't finish this" Elena gulped and looked at the characters, it was not Bonnie's handwriting, neither hers. "Well, neither did I"

"There's someone else here"

Both, seated at the table, looked around suspiciously. She frowned when she heard a baby crying, her eyes landed on Bonnie. "What's going on?" Elena gestured Bonnie to stay in her place as she walked outside. She followed the crying voice and after walking a few minutes, she saw a baby, causing her orbs widen. "No way in hell"

She whispered as she ran to the baby, she grabbed her quickly and looked at her. Baby was, mesmerizing, yes Elena could say mesmerizing. "Hey, you" Elena whispered as she held the baby around her arms. She walked back to their house, not knowing someone was watching her with confusion. Kai felt that his lips curved upwards, not with a cruel expression as he heard the way Elena was talking with the baby.

Elena entered the house and closed the door, approached by a shocked Bonnie. "Who's baby is this?" Elena sighed and looked at the little girl. She shrugged and looked at her best friend. "I don't know, I found her there, fully abandoned"

Bonnie looked at the little girl and gulped. Once she touched the baby's hand, she gasped with shock. "What the hell?" Elena frowned and looked at her best friend, for some sort of explanation. "She is a witch, but not only witch" Elena frowned once again. "I can sense the werewolf gene, and vampirism as well" Elena's eyes widened and looked at the little baby in her arms. "She is a what? Tribrid?"

Bonnie nodded and they continued to look at the little girl still crying but more silently this time. Elena looked at the necklace very loose for a few years old baby. "M, what the hell is M?" Bonnie asked as she inspected the necklace. Elena gasped and looked baby with shock, she saw that necklace before. "This is Rebekah's necklace. Bonnie, I think I know who is M and why she is a tribrid"

Bonnie frowned and looked at Elena, who was still glancing at the necklace. "Bon, I think this baby is Klaus', Klaus Mikaelson's" Bonnie's eyes widened, they knew Klaus had a child but they were not sure if she was still alive anyways. She looked at Elena with a gulp. "Are you sure?" Elena shook her head and looked at the baby. "But I can be"

She looked at Bonnie, trying to debate what she was going to do. "But first, can you heat some milk for her? She needs to take a bath. I will clean her, you heat some milk, alright?" Bonnie nodded and Elena walked to the bathroom, filling the bath with some warm water, making sure it's not that hot. She put the baby into the bath and little girl giggled, making Elena giggle as well. "So you love water? That's a good thing right?" Girl giggled again. "Oh, it probably is a good thing"

Elena took the soap and make some bubbles, which the little girl enjoyed a lot. When the baby was completely clean, Elena wrapped her body with a towel and dried her hair with another towel. "Ah, now we are clean, we are clean aren't we?" Little girl giggled and made some weird voices, which made Elena laugh.

She walked downstairs and looked at Bonnie with a smile. Bonnie returned the smiled and gave Elena the cup. She looked at the girl who was looking at them with awe. Both girls giggled as she tried to reach to the cup. "We don't have baby bottle so, cup could work" Elena nodded and neared the cup to the little girl's mouth. When the baby started to drink, they both sighed. "Why she is even here?" Bonnie asked and Elena shrugged, all she cared about was protecting the baby.

"Maybe I can slip into her brain, try to see who and what is she?" Elena said and Bonnie nodded, young girl looked at them as she finished her milk. Elena laid her down to the couch in the living room and closed her eyes as she placed her hands on her temples.

First she saw was Hayley, the werewolf girl Tyler used to befriend. Then Klaus, Elena now was sure that she was Klaus' daughter. She skipped the details and the events in her life, but she was able to catch her name. "Hope"

She said as she opened her eyes, looking at Bonnie. "Her name is Hope Andrea Mikealson, and she is Klaus' daughter" Both girls looked at each other with fear, the child smiling at them was the strongest creature in the world, the daughter of the second strongest creature. "We will look after her, and once we are out of here, we will hand her to her parents" Bonnie nodded, it was the most logical thing to do.

a/n: here we go. i will probably start publishing savior's second book in a week or two

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