Part Two; Comfort Crowd

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Elena was leaning against the cart as Bonnie was carrying Hope in the supermarket. They were looking around the shelves like they were doing for days. "What do we have in the list, Bon?" Elena continued and Bonnie took the list from her pocket. "Diapers, feeding bottle, baby food, strawberries, milk, eggs and ooh, candles" Bonnie said, making Elena giggle. She caressed her best friend's arm and smiled at her softly. "I do believe in you, you know that right?" Bonnie nodded and put the eggs in the cart.

"I will try again, I have a haunch about today" They took the turn and stopped in front of the fridge where the milks were placed. Elena took two cartons of milk, and they continued to stroll around. Bonnie stopped suddenly and looked at the shelf. "Pork rinds"

Elena frowned and looked at her best friend. "We don't like pork rinds Bon, do we?" Elena asked, trying to understand why her friend was so drawn into the pork rinds. "There were pork rinds on this shelf, There have been pork rinds here on every shopping trip we've had for the past 4 months"

Suddenly an electronic chime playing melody came on, making Elena nervous. Bonnie's eyes widened and looked at Elena. "You hear that?" Brunette vampire nodded and they both hurried out of the store. There was a small horse carousel outside the door, playin. "Does that mean?" Elena asked slowly, looking at her friend who nodded. "That means we are not alone"

They walked more, leaving the carousel behind. They were talking about the possibility of someone being there with them, and Elena was all in Bonnie's logic. Young witch stopped and frowned. "Elena" Elena looked at the direction Bonnie was looking and gasped. It was the parking lot, and Damon's car was placed there. Elena looked at the car and the number plate. "This is Damon's car"

Elena gulped, and sighed. "It's just too much, I need a drink" Bonnie sighed and watched Elena walking back to the market. She was still thinking about the car and the carousel who was now playing again.

Elena walked to the wine section of the store and picked up a bottle. She suddenly heard a sound near and kept the bottle back. She went ahead and saw a man lounged on a chair munching pork rinds.

"Rough day, huh, Elena? Sorry. Manners. I'm Kai. Nice to meet you. Pork rind?"

Elena just stared at him, weirdly shocked. She took a deep breath and continued to look at the guy with sort of fear and sort of hope. "No way" she whispered as she gulped, making him smirk.

Elena looked at the man, challenging and clearly irritated as he continued to eat his pork rind. "Eat it slowly and quietly, can you?" Kai narrowed his eyes, he was watching Elena closely for a while, he knew she was stubborn. "Oh, you think this is annoying? Hmm. Try listening to you and Bonnie playing the family every 5 minutes"

"You've been following us?" Elena frowned and scoffed, making him smile and then laugh. "Of course I have. You two are the closest thing I have a to a TV. I mean, you're no "Baywatch," but...Remember "Baywatch"?"

Elena sighed and looked around, she was not going to chitchat with the maniac sitting in front of her. She super speeded and held him up by his collar. "Who are you, what are you doing here, and how it relates to us, or I'm gonna rip your throat out; did I make myself clear?" Kai chuckled and looked at the fierce brunette, he was enjoying her. "Ok. Ok. Sorry. Seriously. I'm just kind of rusty on the face-to-face type human interactions"

Elena dropped him and looked at him with annoyance. He was not going to but she was pushing his buttons, even though he liked it. "Answer me" Elena demanded, and Kai nodded with her voice. "Maybe you should have a drink. That usually calms you down"

Elena looked down and sighed. "I am sorry, thanks" Elena took the bottle of wine, sighing as she opened the bottle. He raised his head and smirked. "Then makes you sad, then emotionless, then calm again. It's a weird but saddening cycle, and look, if you really want to know the reason I'm following you, it's because I want to kill you"

Elena had already taken a swig of the wine and suddenly coughed it out. Her skin around the mouth starts burning and she started to gasp. "Vervain in your wine. Who didn't see that one coming?" Kai smirked, but he was not sure if Elena deserved it.

"Who buys patio furniture from a grocery store? I mean, somebody must. Otherwise, it... it wouldn't be here" He picked up a beach umbrella and broke it's wooden end into two. "But now I'm a little unfamiliar with vampires, but from what I've gathered, a stake in the heart should do it, right?" Elena gulped and looked around helplessly, he crouched down and poured the bottle of wine laced with vervain. "Oh but I won't kill you, we can still have some fun, can't we?"

"Why you are doing this?" Elena asked weakly as her skin started to stitch itself back. Kai frowned and stabbed her hand with the wooden stick, making her scream. "No specific reason" He grabbed another bottle and popped it quickly, pouring it all around Elena's body as well as she continued screaming. " I didn't know which bottle you'd take, so I vervained them all"

He grabbed the stick again, aiming for her stomach, wanting to cause some pain. "Stay away from her!" Bonnie yelled with Hope still on her arms. Kai chuckled and looked at them. "The useless one is here. Thank God. I've watched you try to do magic for months now. What are you gonna do, fail at me? It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you"

Bonnie looked at Elena who looked back at her. She then looked a candle on a side shelf and it lighted up. Elena was relieved while Bonnie was happily surprised. "Uh-oh"


Elena speeded out of the mall, knowing Bonnie could handle herself. "Phesmatos Incendia" Fire lighted up in front of Kai, which slightly panicked him. Bonnie smirked and looked at him. "Ok. Ok. Ok"

"Giving up so soon? I'm embarrassed for you" Bonnie mocked her voice and smirked again. Elena smirked and knocked him off from behind. She looked at Bonnie who was still holding Hope. "We make hell of a trio"

"You have no idea"

a/n: i did not re-read it soooooo (im so sleepy whatever)

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