Part Twenty Three: I Don't See Every Ribbon You Use To Tie Yourself To Me

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"What?" Caroline mumbled as she opened her eyes slowly, looking around her surroundings. She was laying down on the couch and Stefan was trying to wake her up. "Took you long enough, are you lacking blood?" Caroline shook her head, standing up quickly. "We need to call Elena"

"I already did, we are going to New Orleans" Caroline nodded, walking to their bedroom to pack a bag, or a suitcase; something you would expect from Caroline.

After two hours, they were in the car and Caroline was sipping her blood from the blood bag. It was going to be a long road, they were both aware of it. "What will happen if we can't find who is behind all of these?"

"Elena will break down into pieces and no one will be able to bring her back, not even the babies" Caroline nodded sadly and looked back to the road. "Will we talk about the things Kai said, that Klaus is in love with Elena?"

Stefan sighed and nodded his head. "Elena has to know what is going on in front of her nose" Caroline nodded, not adding more as their journey continued silently.

Elena was pacing around, if Kai was off to God knows where they could not find who was controlling him. "We can do a locator spell, I need to take blood from your belly" Elena gulped, she was afraid that it might hurt her babies. "What about the-"

"It won't hurt the babies, I promise" Freya assured the pregnant doppelgänger. Elena sighed and nodded, lifting her tank top a little. Freya slowly took her blood with needle and healed the place as she was done. Elena sighed with relief this time. "This would be enough" Elena nodded, watching the blond witch concentrate on the spell, Freya frowned and opened his eyes looking at Elena. "He is here, in New Orleans" Elena frowned, stupidly looking around, she took a deep breath with fear. "Whoever is controlling Kai knows that I am staying with you"

"You will be fully protected, Elena" The brunette turned to the blonde hybrid who now walked into the room. Elena nodded and caressed her face with her hands, it had been long two weeks with Mikaelsons and without Kai. She was drained, she was not feeling any ounce of joy at all, she was not happy that she was constantly around Klaus and his strange behaviour whenever she was around. The way he was trying to act like a man he actually was not was sickening Elena and she could name a few reasons why.

"I'll go and see Hayley" She just left the room without adding more, the feelings Klaus thought hidden was actually obvious to everyone in the household. Everyone was waiting for someone to confront him openly and in front of everyone, except Elena. She just wished that his feelings for her could vanish and she could let out the deep breath she had been holding for too long.

The confrontation everyone was waiting came from the funny haired vampire, Stefan Salvatore. He first hugged his best friend, then waited for Caroline to do the same. After two girls talked about what happened in the Mystic Falls when Elena was away, Stefan cleared her throat and brought the topic to their conversation with the person who took over Kai's body. "He told us that he is someone we don't know, but someone Klaus knows. Someone who wants to hurt Klaus, knowing Elena is his weakness"

Rebekah frowned and looked at Klaus. "Why would Elena be Klaus' weakness?" Stefan glared at Klaus emotionlessly and Klaus glared back. Two men were challenging each other but only one of them had nothing to lose in this bet. "Because he is in love with Elena" Elena was not actually surprised but it was still shocking to hear it from someone's mouth. She looked at Klaus with horror and anger because how could he? After everything they had been through, how could he dare to say that he was in love with Elena?

"Is that true?" Elena asked to Klaus, wishing he would lie and deny the allegations. However he did not lie, he sighed and looked down. "Yes, it is" Everyone was looking at them, the way Elena felt used by every interaction of theirs. This was the reason he was helping her, she felt used in a way that hurt her so much. "How could you..?"

"We don't have control over who we fall for, do we?" Elena scoffed and looked at him with tears in her eyes. "We still have control over our lies, and you lied to me" She intended to leave the room but Klaus sped in front of her, eyes wide open for him to prevent crying. "I can't lose you"

"To be realistic, you never really had me, not even as your friend" Elena walked passed him by, not caring the soft gasp he released with her words. Something punched him in the stomach, he took a deep breath closing his eyes before speeding away.

He did what he is best at, he ran away when he felt any kind of emotion. He was pathetic for doing so, maybe he should have stayed and talked with Elena to clean the mess he left behind. Elena, Elena, Elena! Everything was screaming Elena to him, that stupidity was over, he was not going to let himself.

Elena in the room she was staying, gasped as she saw Kai. "Hello Nik's gorgeous lady friend, long time no see. How are the babies?" The brunette took deep breaths, purposely raising her voice. "Kai, What are you doing here?" The man smirked and stalked towards Elena, she purposely again made him turn his back to the door. She took a deep breath when she saw Freya and Hayley sneaking into the room. "I have an unfinished business, would not you say so"

Something flickered in Elena's eyes. "You are him, aren't you? The man I saw when I first entered the compound. The one called me Klaus' friend" Kai laughed and nodded, sighing with amazement. "Took you long enough, sweetheart. Now let's deal with that unfinished business" He was about to reach Elena but he hit to the floor, she gasped with the sudden action. "Now we can tie him up, more tightly this time"

Both brunettes looked at each other and nodded their heads, they were close to en it all.

a/n: ok, omg

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