Chapter 37: Vanya

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It's been around an hour since Cassie left Five downstairs to take a nap but no matter how hard she tried she wasn't able to. Instead, she just found herself rolling around in bed feeling uneasy as if something wasn't right, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Tired of that feeling the girl decided to get up from bed and go to Five's bedroom to see if he was there. As Cassie walked into Five's room she instantly realized it was empty so her first thought was that maybe he was still downstairs in the living room.

The girl went down the hallways quietly making her way to the living room when suddenly she spotted both Luther and Vanya at the bottom of the stairs.

By the looks of it, it seemed like Vanya was crying and Luther was giving her a comforting hug. At first, Cassie couldn't help but imagine all the shit that Vanya must've been through in the past few days. But that thought completely faded away when she heard Vanya whimper in pain from Luther's grip.

"You're hurting me." Vanya muttered as she struggled to breathe.

"I'm sorry, Vanya." Luther whispered not letting go of her sister.

"Stop. Please." Vanya cried gasping for air.

"I'm sorry." Luther repeated completely ignoring Vanya's pleads.

Cassie held onto the railing of the stairs as the house suddenly began to shake as if there was an earthquake, but little did she know that it was something far more complicated than that. The girl looked over at Luther in horror as she realized that he was not letting go of her so she knew she had to intervene.

"Luther, stop!" Cassie yelled as she extended one of her hands out and manipulated Luther into softening his grip from Vanya.

Suddenly, the house stopped shaking and Cassie made her way down the stairs as fast as she could still now allowing Luther to have control of his body. The girl stood next to Luther and checked on Vanya but instantly realized she was too late. Vanya was not unconscious.

Cassie looked up at Luther struggling to comprehend why he didn't let go of Vanya when he could clearly tell she couldn't breathe because of him. She just couldn't find any reasonable answer to why Luther would purposely want to make Vanya unconscious or even kill her.

"Are you out of your mind?" Cassie yelled at Luther still holding him in place but allowing him to talk.

Luther looked back at the girl in front of him still with Vanya in his arms but his grip was much more loosened than before. "Let me explain." Luther said coldly trying to put up a strong front. He knew that what he was planning to do would be something that most of his siblings wouldn't agree with, but in his opinion, it had to be done for the greater good of everyone.

"What the fuck, Luther! She's your sister!" Cassie kept yelling a bit scared that if she let Luther have control of himself again he would do something even worse. Usually, the girl wouldn't use her powers on people she cared about and trusted because to her it just felt wrong but right now she didn't know how to feel about all of this. "You better have a great fucking excuse." She said looking around the room.

"Vanya is dangerous." Luther said not knowing how to exactly explain what Pogo had told him earlier.

"Dangerous?" The girl said confused by all of this. How could Vanya be dangerous? That just didn't make any sense to her.

"She has powers!"

Cassie looked at Luther completely in shock by what he was saying and let go of him not even realizing it. "What the fuck are you talking about?" The girl said shaking her head.

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