Chapter 23: Getting Recruited

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After Diego left his place to get revenge on Hazel and Cha-Cha both Cassie and Five stayed there with Luther. The two children were still trying to adapt on dealing with their own hangovers while Luther still had plenty of questions inside his head.

Now that Luther knew the truth about the apocalypse he didn't know what to do with such information. He knew that the two children were in deep trouble since people were trying to get them, but he didn't understand exactly why.

The room was completely quiet for a few minutes, but Cassie noticed how uneasy Luther looked. It was weird seeing him in such a way considering he looked all big and tough, but she now knew the reality on why he looked that way.

Cassie's and Luther weren't the closest as kids. He was always spending his free time with Allison, mostly because he had the biggest crush on her as a kid. Luther never really confessed to it, but to her, it was very obvious how much he liked Allison. From time to time Luther would ask Cassie for what he used to call 'Hypothetical Advice' on girls. Truth was that there was not really anything hypothetical to it, he just wanted advice to impress Allison. But whenever the girl would ask him if it was about Allison he would instantly deny it and change the subject.

Five looked over to Luther who was sitting down again on the chair in front of them. The silence was beginning to get very awkward especially since Luther looked like he wanted to ask them something but didn't say a word.

"Well, Cassie and I are going to leave. We do not have time for awkward silence considering the world is ending in 4 days." Five said as he stood up and turned to look at the girl sitting behind him.

"What do you exactly meant by former employer? If you two were trapped in the apocalypse how did you even had a job?." Luther suddenly asked looking at Five and Cassie. This just really didn't make any sense to him.

Cassie looked at Luther and then looked back at Five who was standing up. "We owe him an explanation, Five." The girl said with pleading eyes. "Everyone's lives at the academy was in jeopardy because of our connections with the commission." She said taking a deep breath.

Five turned to look at her and groaned as he sat back down. "Fine, but for the record, we do not have much time." He said.

"The commission? What is that?" Luther asked confused about what the girl meant by those words.

"The organization we used to work for," Cassie explained as she began to remember the day she and Five got recruited. It definitely was a mistake.

-Flashback to the Apocalypse-

It's been over 40 years since Cassie and Number Five got stuck in the apocalypse. Neither of them would have imagined they would be stuck for so long, and the fact that they were still alive was almost a miracle.

The two had learned over the years to just get along with each other just for the sake of survival. Being the only two people alive in the world had really messed up both of them. All they wanted was to get back home, but at this point, it seemed almost impossible.

Cassie and Five had been working on a specific equation to get back to their family, problem was that it's been years since they've been trying to figure it out and they were not even close. For Cassie, it was hard to convince Five he was wrong sometimes when it came to this equation. He believed he knew it all and rarely accepted her help. Maybe if he wasn't so stubborn they would of already be back to their family but who knows.

Their time in the apocalypse had been absolute hell. When they first got here everything surrounding them was destroyed to the ground. No matter how far they traveled the destruction went on and on, to a point that it was almost impossible to find any structure in decent conditions and as time went on it became harder each time. Not to mention they also had to go through extreme weather conditions and had to learn to overcome them.

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