Chapter 25: Old Habits

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After her talk with Klaus, Cassie walked upstairs and headed to Five's bedroom. The girl had a lot going through her head, but she couldn't let those thoughts intervene on finally putting an end to the apocalypse. It really wasn't the time for feelings, maybe after they've accomplished their goal she could take the time to figure it out.

The girl walked over to Five's room and noticed how the door was already open. The girl stood by the door and saw Five writing things down on his walls. The boy was so concentrated that he hadn't notice Cassie's presence so she knocked on the door gently trying to get his attention but he didn't even bother to turn around.

"Just come in, I have to focus." Five said already knowing the girl was the one who was at his door.

"Hi, Delores," The girl said greeting the mannequin that was sitting at the end of Five's bed. "I see you've already started without me," Cassie said to Five as she looked around his room noticing how some of the walls were covered in very complicated math equations.

"I was not going to waste time by waiting for you to come back from talking with Klaus." Five said as he turned around to look at the girl. "I know my priorities. The most important thing we have to do is save everyone, and let me remind you that this includes both of us." He said with a very serious tone.

"That I took some time to make sure Klaus was alright doesn't mean I don't care about saving the world." The girl said and crossed her arms defensively.

Five looked at her and sighed shaking his head and turned around going back to work. "Just try to catch up on what I am doing. Okay?" He said as he continued on his complicated math equation.

Cassie nodded her head quietly and tried to find where Five had started his equation and tried to make sense out of it. She went through every single number and variable trying to make sure the boy hasn't committed any mistakes. After all, it wouldn't be the first time.

After a few minutes of analyzing the equation in complete silence, Cassie realized something was off already. "You made a mistake already," Cassie said, pointing exactly where this mistake was.

"I'm sure I haven't." Five said as he stopped what he was doing and looked over to the part of the equation the girl was pointing out.

"Look, it's right here." The girl said confidently about her discovery. The problem was that one simple mistake could mess with the whole end result. "You should know this already." She said as she looked at Five.

"What are you talking about? There is no error in here." Five said as he looked at the wall.

Cassie tried to explain Number Five the error he had made in his probability map, but he looked at her as if she was crazy. "If you don't change this now it's going to mess everything up." The girl pointed out trying to make him understand he was wrong.

"You clearly don't understand how this works." Five scoffed as he refused to believe he had messed up already.

Cassie looked at him and groaned out of frustration snatching the chalk out of his hands. "Are you really going to continue after I told you there is a mistake? You have to fix it!" Cassie said at Five raising her voice. She didn't know why she even bothered to help him when it came to things that involved math. He never acknowledged that she was better than him at the topic and actually took her advice. "This is the exact reason we are trapped in these bodies!" The girl yelled.

"There is nothing to fix." Five said through gritted teeth as he spatial jumped behind her taking the pen out of her hands in the process. "You too, Delores?" Five said turning to look at the mannequin as this one also told him it was wrong. "I thought you were smarter than that." He said as Cassie turned around to look at him.

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