So what's next?

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Hey, Author here.

So when I said slow burn at the beginning I really wasn't joking... I hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it but the truth is that the story is far from over.

Part two is up now and it's called 'Stuck In The Past'. After lots of thinking I've decided to make another book for season two instead of continuing after this one just because I like the whole process of watching my story grow slowly. Plus I made a sick cover for it that I hope you all appreciate.

I have the whole general idea of where this story is heading but nothing is set in stone yet, so if there are some things you want to see happen comment them down below and I might make them a reality.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone for the amazing support this story has gotten. I know it took me a lot of time to finish it but I finally did it. I'm really proud of myself for this story because it's the first fanfic I've ever finished writing and also the longest! It's almost feels like this story is my baby.

I'll see you all in the next book and if you want more updates don't forget to follow me. Also, if you haven't already and want to make me happy if you haven't voted already for every chapter of the story now is your chance to do it.

Have a wonderful day/night!

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