Chapter 26: The Briefcase

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A/N: Hi, I bet you all were missing my author notes before each chapter... JK. As usual, this is a little disclaimer for this chapter of something that will take place in a flashback. This chapter will mention a very brutal assassination that actually took place in the real but for story purposes, it will be a little altered, you already know how it goes. I highly recommend checking out the real history about the said event that is mentioned because it's really interesting plus learning new things is always good. If you already know the real story behind it pros to you! Anyway, enjoy the story.


It has been around an hour since Five last talked with Cassie at the academy. Their latest conversation was repeating itself inside the boy's head knowing very well that he was not looking forward to breaking his promise. He was going to come back and save the world no matter what it took, and most importantly, he was going to reunite with Cassie once again.

Five found himself with Luther inside a car on their way to meet Hazel and Cha-Cha in the middle of nowhere. Luther was on the driver's seat while the boy was on the copilot seat holding the fake briefcase he had crafted before leaving the academy.

The fake briefcase looked surprisingly real, so there was no way for Hazel and Cha-Cha to figure out it was a decoy, even from close up. This gave the boy a very high advantage over them. He knew both Hazel and Cha-Cha would agree to his conditions in return for the briefcase, but what made him feel unsettled was having to talk to The Handler again.

Luther stopped the car at the exact location Five had organized the meeting and the boy quickly removed his seatbelt glancing around the area. It seemed like they were the first to arrive.

The car was awfully quiet for a few minutes between Five and Luther. The boy had told his brother every single thing he had to do in case things went south, but he hoped for it to not be necessary. Five looked out the window just waiting as he realized he was going to come in contact once again with the commission. When he broke his contract with them by going to 2019 he was hoping to not deal with them again in a business type of way.

"You know, we never enjoyed it." Five sighed, breaking the silence.

Luther turned his head at his sibling who was sitting next to him, not really understanding what he meant by that. "What?" He asked as the boy turned to look at him as well.

"The killing. I mean... Cassie and I... We were the best at our work, and we took pride in it. But it never gave us pleasure." The boy sighed and looked away from Luther. "I think it was all those years by ourselves. That really messed up with our heads." Five said as he thought about. Being good at their job and getting recognition for it after only having each other for many years somehow made them feel accepted by others. But that still didn't take away the horrible things they had to do to gain that recognition.

The boy suddenly started to think of the many mission he and Cassie went to and committed horrible crimes in order to complete them. But the one that stood with him the most was their first mission, and how that changed their view on everything.


It took both Cassie and Five a couple of weeks to be able to adapt to their job at The Commission. The two had been hired as field agents to restore the time continuum, in other words, they were hired as time-traveling assassins. They both had knowledge in fighting and defending themselves, things they learned in their time at the academy, but neither of that compared to what they were getting themselves into.

The Commission had recently discovered a different method to improve the skills of their personnel by altering their DNA. The process consisted of combining the DNA of their agents with the DNA of the most dangerous assassins and serial killers to ever exist in the phase of the world. And the very first guinea pigs for their experiment were both Cassie and Five.

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