Chapter 3: The Newspaper

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Cassie's POV:

I open my eyes feeling the cold breeze that is entering through the small broken window that separates the front of the van from the trunk. There is a small amount of light inside but it's enough for me to see my surroundings. And not gonna lie when I fell asleep last night I was hoping to wake up at home and all of this situation just being a very bad dream.

I turn my body facing the other side to check on Five and to my surprise, he was laying down beside me in a deep slumber. He was facing my direction and I couldn't help but notice how peaceful he looked while he was asleep. I would even dare to say he looks angelic but I know that's not the case when it comes to him.

Maybe it's not a smart idea to wake up Five now. I have no clue how much sleep he has gotten last night but definitely, it's been less then what I've had. I sit down slowly trying to be as sneaky as possible, and not wake him up but somehow managed to fail miserably.

Five begins to move slightly and open his eyes slowly beginning to take in his surroundings. I can tell he is almost as disappointed as I was when I woke up and noticed that I wasn't back at the academy.

"I'm sorry, I woke you up," I say quietly not trying to disturb him.

"It's all good." He says as he begins to sit down his voice a bit raspy from waking up.

I grab a bottle of water and open it taking a few sips and then handing it to Five so he can have some. He gladly takes the almost full bottle and gulps down all of the liquid. "Thanks." He says handing me the empty bottle.

"You weren't supposed to drink it all..." I say as I take the empty bottle and look at it. "We need to be careful with rations. We can't be wasting food just because. Not till we find more."

"We won't need that much food. I already told you I'm getting us out of there as fast as I can." He says and I can tell he is a bit pissed off about my previous comment.

"As fast as you can is completely relative and you know that," I state to him as a matter of fact. "We should be prepared for anything that could happen next," I reply trying to make him understand that what I am saying is not some nonsense.

"Yeah whatever you say." He says as he opens the back of the van and steps out looking around and I can already tell he doesn't care about what I just told him.

I stare at him for a few seconds and shake my head in disagreement and start walking out of the van. Everything is the same as yesterday, lots of rubble and destruction all over the place. We are lucky we were able to find a place to stay the night but we probably should keep moving.

There isn't much around us, after all, what can you expect from a post-apocalyptic scenery. We still have to keep looking for clues of at what point in time we are. If I had to take a guess I would say somewhere between 2015 and 2025 only because Luther, Allison, Diego, and Klaus didn't look exactly old when we found their bodies.

Five seems to be searching around the area and I just stand back not sure of what are his plans next. "Look at this." I hear Five unexpectedly say as he moves some of the debris uncovering one of those red wagons. "We can use this to put in stuff we might want to move around while we search for clues." He says.

"Well, that's actually a really good idea," I say as he drags the red wagon towards the van. "I'll get the food we found and also the flashlight," I say getting inside the van and grabbing a small empty box and putting in the food and water we found, and on my way out grab the flashlight.

Five takes the box from me and sets it inside the wagon. "So here is the plan. We should go that way." He says pointing to a completely random direction. "We need to look for anything that could be a clue of what year it is. So don't zone out while walking like you did yesterday. If you want to get out of here stay alert." He tells me and I roll my eyes at him.

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