Chapter 17: Mom

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Cassie found herself inside her bedroom at the academy. She really wasn't in the mood to go out and interact with anyone outside. She was starting to give up on everything and anyone surrounding her, including herself.

The girl had spent most of her time locked inside her room with the only exceptions of going to the bathroom. Luckily she hasn't stumbled across anyone inside the Academy and honestly, she wasn't looking forward to.

The only reason she was still at the academy was because she really didn't have anywhere else to go, Five didn't want her around and she had no real family to look for. She didn't even know anything about her biological family since she joined the academy. But after what they gave her up and the extreme abuse she endured, she really didn't care about them anymore. She was alone.

Cassie was sitting on her bed when suddenly she heard some knocking on her door. "Cass? Are you there?" Luther said from behind the door.

The girl stood up and walked to the door opening it slowly. She wasn't crying anymore she was just in a very gloomy mood.

"Thank god," Luther said as the small girl opened the door. "Um... We are having a meeting downstairs, it's important. I would appreciate it if you came along." Number One said looking at Cassie.

Cassie stared back at Luther and raised an eyebrow confused. "Did something happened?" The girl asked concerned.

"It's better if we all talk about it downstairs," Luther replied avoiding her question.

"Okay..." Cassie said still confused about what could be so important that they needed her downstairs. "With all... you mean, everyone, including Five?" The girl asked Luther not really wanting to be around the boy.

Luther looked back at the girl her question throwing him off a little. "No. Number Five is camping outside this... lab. He refused to join." Luther replied telling the truth.

"Of course he is," Cassie muttered to herself and looked away. "Okay, I'll be downstairs in 20 minutes." The girl said quickly and closed the door on Luther's face.

Cassie knew she didn't have anything better to do. So she might as well just get ready and go downstairs to hear what is that thing so important that required a meeting. But she knew that whatever it was that was bothering the group it wouldn't be as important if the world ended in 6 days.


It only took Cassie 10 minutes to take a shower and another 10 to fully get ready to go downstairs. She was once again wearing one of the uniforms she was forced to wear as a kid and put her hair up into a messy low ponytail.

Once she reached downstairs she saw all of her 'siblings' except for Number Five waiting for her in the living room. They had placed a small tv on top of the bar counter for whatever it was that Luther was so eager to show everyone.

Everyone turned to look at the girl as she entered the room. Making her feel slightly uncomfortable. "Uh, sorry for making you all wait." Cassie awkwardly as she walked closer to the group.

"Don't worry at least you made it. Unlike Five..." Luther said but got cut off my Klaus.

"Can we start now? It's getting boring." Klaus complained.

"Yeah, some of us have important things to do," Diego said and everyone turned to look at him.

"Like what? Pretending to be Batman?" Allison said rolling her eyes.

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