Chapter 11: The Eye

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Cassie found herself in a deep slumber since it had been a very long day for her and Five. After all, time-traveling really messed up her perception of time all she knew was that she was really tired.

The sun began to go up and Five started to wake up from his sleep. He looked at his surroundings remembering him and Cassie fell asleep in Vanya's apartment. With the one condition that they would leave as soon as the sun went up which meant now.

Five sat down slowly and looked at the girl who was laying next to him admiring how the early sunlight illuminated her face. Deep inside Five have always thought of Cassie as beautiful, but he would always repress that thought and refused to really acknowledge it. He had more important things to focus on that some girl.

Five knew that they were running out of time so the sooner he woke Cassie up the better. The boy began to try to wake her up slowly but nothing happened, she was in a very deep sleep. Five took a deep breath started to shake her a little knowing that should do the trick but it didn't. He looked at her and groaned quietly getting annoyed that she wasn't waking up, so he decided to shake her more aggressively.

Cassie opened her eyes and looked around completely disconcerted on what was happening.

"Geez, I thought you were dead for a second." Five said at her sarcastically. "We need to go now." He mumbled trying to be as quiet as possible and not wake Vanya up.

"Where?" Cassie said rubbing her eyes trying to adjust to the light.

"The eye. Remember?" Five said as he stood up rolling his eyes.

"Five, it's dawn time. Do you realize that the place is probably still closed right?" Cassie said sitting down and looking at him.

"We can wait outside." Five said in an obvious tone.

"For 3 hours?" Cassie said crossing her arms thinking it was stupid to wait outside this early. "The least we can do now is go back to the academy and get changed. If someone sees us with blood on our clothes they might get concerned and call the police." The girl said making a valid point.

"Okay, fine. We will stop at the academy first." Five said completely defeated.

Cassie stood up and Five opened the door waiting for her to step outside and closed the door behind them as quiet as possible. The academy wasn't that far away from Vanya's apartment which was a good thing because the two children were trying to avoid other people as much as possible.


After 10 minutes of endless walking, the two children were finally at the academy. Every single door was locked but that was no problem for Five who just teleported both Cassie and him inside.

They both headed upstairs trying to be as quiet as possible since they didn't want to wake up anyone. If they did they were going to ask questions and they really didn't want to deal with that. It would be a waste of time.

Cassie headed into her room and opened her wardrobe taking out another clean uniform and laid it on her bed. There was no way she would put it on before taking a shower first so she just headed to the bathroom next door and showered as quickly as possible.  After all, taking showers was something that she couldn't do very frequently in the apocalypse, and ever since she got out she took them as much as she could.

When Cassie finished taking her shower she wrapped a towel around her body and went straight to her room to put some clothes on. Once she was done she brushed her hair carefully and decided to leave it down since it was still wet. She headed out if her room and walked over to Five's room knocking on his door slowly.

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