Chapter 4: Back to Orphans

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A/N: Hello, I know it's odd to have and authors note at the beginning of the chapter but this more of a disclaimer. This chapter is going to be written in 3rd Person due to the main 2 characters not being present during the events of the chapter. Writing in 3rd person is not really my forte but I tried my best. Anyways enjoy!


3rd Person POV (Year 2019):

It's been around 16 years since the last mission The Umbrella Academy had together. Well, the last mission the group had with Number Five and Number Eight.

The location was the Capital West bank and it seemed like a group of heavily armed men went in and took the people who were inside hostages. The people inside the bank were scared but they weren't prepared for what they were about to witness that day.


"Hey, get them behind the counter!" A huge bald man ordered one of his accomplices. He had a gun on one hand and a walkie talkie on the other. "Now you've put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do. Hmm?"

The person on the other end replied to him but he wasn't too happy about it. "Shit!" He screamed putting the device down.

As all of this happened a young Number Three was able to sneak behind the man. "Hey! Get back with the other!" The man yelled once he noticed the presence of the masked curly-haired girl.

"I heard a rumor..." Allison said taking a step closer to the man not letting him intimate her. She knew that instead, he should be the one intimidated by her.

"What? What did you say?" The man replied looking down at the girl.

"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot," Allison whispered into the man's ear.

The man completely hypnotized by Number Three's words held his gun towards another heavily armed man and without any hesitation shoot him on the foot.

The injured man fell to the ground and accidentally triggered his weapon, firing at a glass window. The bullet was so loud that it was heard even outside the bank along with the many screams of the people who were being held hostage.

Seconds later the glass roof broke and it seemed like someone had fallen from it. Everyone watched in shock as a young masked Number One who had jumped from the roof grabbed one of the robbers and knocked his head into the counter throwing him out of the window with no effort.

"Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives!" A masked Number Two said as he ran into the room throwing his knives towards the robber that was standing beside Allison. The knives flew across the room and took a wild left turn surprisingly hitting another of the robber that was standing there watching the whole situation unfold.

Another robber stormed into the room holding his gun ready to shoot when Number Eight stepped in and moved her hand as his direction as if she was gesturing him to stop. The man stood there completely paralyzed with a fearful look on his face.

"What if you throw that weapon away? " A young Cassie said and made the man throw his weapon to the side and smiled at him cockily. "Much better." She said and raised her hand making him float and with all her strength threw him in the air gravity doing its work and once the man hit the ground he was completely knocked out from the impact.

The main robber looked around terrified and ran up to a counter getting on top of it pointing his gun at the group of masked kids that were all gathered up around him. "Get back, you freaks!" He shouted.

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