Chapter 1: Take Me Back

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Cassie's POV:

I lay in bed staring at the clock on my wall waiting for lunch to be ready. Every day for the past 6 years has been the same routine. Waking up at 7 A.M. getting showered and dressed and by 8 A.M. we have to be in the kitchen to get our breakfast. After breakfast, we would start classes followed up with some training till 1:00 P.M. After that we had a 30-minute break till 1:30 P.M. and that's when lunch was always ready. Then by 3:00 P.M. we would have more classes and training till 6:30 P.M after that we would have some free time to do what we wanted and by 9:30 P.M. we had to be in bed sleeping.

The routine was always the same except for weekends where we got to have more free time. But still had to follow the countless of house rules. At this point, we are all used to it and we have learned not to complain about it because that would be very uneducated and that's one of the many things Mr. Hargreeves doesn't want us to be.

When the clock hits 1:29 P.M I get up from my bed and walk out of my room and my other 7 siblings do exactly the same. We all share looks and start heading towards the dining table. When suddenly we hear Grace ringing her bell which meant it was lunchtime. We all walk down the stairs at the same time and stand behind our assigned dining seats. I look around the table sharing looks with Ben and Vanya as Mr. Hargreeves walked into the room making sure we were all ready for lunchtime.

"Sit." Mr. Hargreeves said as he sat down and mimic him and sat in our assigned seats and started to eat our lunch quietly.

I take a glance around the table noticing how Luther and Allison are sharing subtle playful looks at each other. I know how Luther feels about Allison he has told me about it and to be honest I highly doubt Mr. Hargreeves would ever allow such a thing. After all, they aren't really blood-related but they were both raised together.

I sat in my place quietly eating my meal trying to not bring any sort of unwanted attention when suddenly I feel Five's eyes on me. I look up and lock eyes with him for a second but he decides to completely ignore me as he begins to stare at Mr. Hargreeves who was sitting at the end of the table next to me.

I can tell something is bothering Five he has that look on his face as if he wants to start a revolution. Out of all the siblings, Five is the cockiest and ever since Mr. Hargreeves told him he might have capabilities to time travel he has been bragging to all his siblings about it. I just hope he isn't planning on doing something stupid that would piss Mr. Hargreeves off and gets him grounded for a whole month.

Five keeps fidgeting with his knife not even touching his food when suddenly he grabs it and stabs the table making a loud noise that made everyone around him stare at him.

"Number Five." Mr. Hargreeves says raising his voice a little bit.

"I have a question." Five says looking at Mr. Hargreeves dead in the eye and I just know something bad is about to happen.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson." Mr. Hargreeves replies. everyone at the table completely quiet except for Five who just looks angry.

"I want to time travel."


"But I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said." Five replies standing up from the table and doing a spatial jump right between Reginald and I. "See?"

"A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn."

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