Chapter 13: Dead End

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A/N: Hi everyone, sorry for taking longer than usual to update this story. Usually, I try to update every day or so, but I ran myself into a little bit of a predicament story-wise. On the intro of the story, I added a lot of trigger warnings and said that in case I were to add something else I would disclose it at the beginning of each chapter. I know this isn't such a big deal for most people but I still feel the need to disclose it. So that being said this chapter will contain mentions of sex between the 2 main characters (NOT SMUT).  Now, I know this is extremely controversial because our two main characters are kids and that's an extreme no-no, but this will take place in a flashback to when they were older and trapped in the apocalypse. Like I said before, this isn't smut, because being honest I am not comfortable writing that sort of content. It's just going to imply that certain things happened just to add more drama to the plot. So that being said, enjoy the chapter.


The two children and Klaus left the building after finding out that the eye that Five had been holding onto for 45 years didn't even have an owner yet. Both Cassie and Five felt lost at their discovery, the two were ready to do whatever it took to get rid of the owner but for now, it was a dead end.

"Well, this is not good." Five said walking next to Cassie and Klaus.

"Not good? This is terrible. What are we supposed to do now?" Cassie asked turning over to Five with a worried expression.

"I was pretty good, though, right?" Klaus said excitedly as he gained the confound attention of both Cassie and Five. "Yeah. What about my consent, bitch?" Klaus said laughing to himself as he quoted what he said earlier inside the office.

Five looked at his brother shaking his head as he couldn't believe how Klaus was so clueless on how important this was to them. "Klaus, it doesn't matter!" Five said with a serious tone.

"The whole act you put up ended up being for nothing. We couldn't get the one thing we needed." Cassie said slightly panicked. "You even punched both of us for nothing." The girl glared at Klaus.

"What do you mean for nothing? We still got some information on whatever you two are looking for." Klaus defended himself. He was only half right. "What's the big deal with this eye, anyway?" Klaus said completely clueless.

Five stared angrily at Klaus getting annoyed by him. He didn't have that much patience and he was starting to lose it. "There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next 7 days. They're gonna bring about the end of life on this earth as we know it." Five explained as he walked pass Klaus.

Cassie looked at Klaus as he stood there with a puzzled look on his face. He really didn't get it.

"Yeah, can I get that 20 bucks, like, now, or what?" Klaus said as he looked back at the girl in front of him.

"What?" Cassie said raising her eyebrow. She really couldn't believe he was asking her for money after Five just told him the world is about to end in seven days.

Five turned around and looked at Klaus also shocked by the same thing as Cassie. "Your 20 bucks?" Five said to his brother getting annoyed.

"Yeah, my 20 bucks," Klaus said as if it was nothing to the two children that were staring at him as if he was crazy.

"Really Klaus? The world is about to end in seven days, and all you want is 20 bucks to get high?" Cassie said to Klaus getting upset with him.

Cassie knew about Klaus' problem with drugs even before she and Five disappeared. After all, he started doing them at a very young age as a coping mechanism to block the ghosts out of his head. Cassie had always been against it but Klaus had also told her why he did it and she really couldn't blame him for it. The problem was that now his addiction was too much to the point that it controlled his whole life and all his siblings couldn't take him seriously.

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