Chapter 24: Klaus

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After telling Luther the whole truth about their past, or future, depending on how you looked at it. Cassie, Luther, and Five headed back to the academy, after realizing they had no reason to stay at Diego's place. And besides that, the two children wanted to take a shower and keep working on their probability map.

When they arrived at the academy Cassie went straight to her room in order to get cleaned up. She still had a slight headache and felt terrible from the hangover, so maybe showering could help a little with that. She just wanted to put an end to the apocalypse so she could just go somewhere very far away and start over on her own. Somewhere far away from the boy she loved but didn't feel the same for her.

It felt like the best thing she could do.

Time passed and the girl had finished taking a shower and getting dressed into a clean new uniform. She was feeling a little less sick from all the drinking she had, which was a good thing. Working with a headache didn't sound good, so she was glad it was gone.

The girl left her room and walked down the hallway suddenly bumping into Five. He had also gotten all cleaned up and he was also ready to get to work.

"Perfect timing," Cassie said, looking at the boy as she fixed her coat.

Five looked at the girl and nodded his head. "We need to start figuring this out. We are running out of time." The boy said as if it wasn't already obvious they didn't have much time.

"No need to remind me that, I already know." Cassie pointed out slightly irritated how Five had to remind her of their lack of time every so ofter. "We need a workspace." The girl said as she looked around the hallway.

"I already got a few things in my room. Let's go there." Five said and the girl nodded beginning to follow him around the hallway.

Suddenly the two heard a loud sigh coming from Klaus' bedroom so they stopped and took a peek into his room. Klaus was standing there getting dressed, it looked as if he had recently gotten out of the shower or something.

Cassie turned her head to the side over to the bathroom that was across from his room and noticed the door opened. There were bloody footsteps on the floor and some blood on the tub, which really concerned her. She turned to look over at Five who was also looking at the bathroom and the two shared worried looks.

Cassie knew that Klaus had gone missing. That's what Luther told them just before they left Diego's place. Luther said something about Klaus getting kidnapped by Hazel and Cha-Cha and how no one realized till Diego's friend called in.

Five looked over to his brother and knocked on the door before walking in, Cassie following behind him. "You okay?" The boy asked and Klaus turned around surprised to see both Cassie and Five.

The girl watched Klaus carefully realizing something was off with him. He looked like he was in a lot of pain, but more emotional than physical. Could it be possible that he managed to get lost in time and found his way back? It seemed like he was having all the symptoms. After all, he was with Hazel and Cha-Cha it wasn't impossible. Not to even mention the change he had on his physical appearance.

"Hey." Klaus greeted the two children. His voice sounded different he sounded sad which was different for him. "Yeah, I just... long night." He justified himself.

"More than one, from the looks of it." Cassie pointed out looking at Klaus as he put his shirt on.

"Yeah," Klaus said. He didn't understand what the girl truly meant by that.

"Don't remember the dog tags." Five said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, they belonged to a friend," Klaus grunted as he stretched a little. He wasn't lying about this they really belonged to someone very dear to him.

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