Lee Rin

201 11 0

March 26, 2018

"The Number You Have Been Dialing--"


*Phone Rings*

"The Number You Have Been Dialing--"


*Phone Rings*

"This is Hwang Hyunjin please leave a message!"

"Hi... Babe... I... I just miss you... You haven't been messaging me this week.. I'm getting worried, have you eaten? Are you ok? Please talk to me.."

Lee Rin.

The First Friend Brielle met back when they were Preschool.

Rin was tapping her pencil as she saw the other kids playing with their group of friends.


Rin looked up and saw a smiling girl waving at her.


"My name's Park Brielle! What's yours?"

".... Lee Rin..."

"Nice name wanna be my friend?"

Rin smiled brightly as she now has a friend.

They stayed as Friends until Highschool.

They were fine at first but when Brielle received a letter from London to transfer to one of the famous and prestigious schools out there Rin got upset.

But Brielle promised that she will visit her.

Too bad her promise got broken as it has been 2 years since They met each other.

They were on their senior years when Rin fell in love with Hwang Hyunjin.

A Student who is most known as The Handsome one, The Crush of the school and The Team Football player.

Rin was nothing but a caring and nice girlfriend to him.

She doesn't understand why Hyunjin isn't replying to her text.

Maybe tomorrow will be another day.

The days pass by like the wind.

Still no message from him.

Rin checked the date.

April 2, 2018.

She looked at one of their old pictures until she received a message.

From Hyunjin:
Hey Rin, I'm outside your dorm so please hurry up and I have something to tell you.

To Hyunjin:
Sure baby! Wait for me just a sec.


Rin immediately got up from her bed as she went to fix herself.

After she was done she went outside and saw her boyfriend leaning on her car that he borrowed.

"Oh your done, let's go."

Hyunjin opened the door for Rin as she got inside and sat there waiting for Hyunjin.

As they drove at the highway Hyunjin nervously looked at Rin.

He never thought what he was about to do was difficult.

He parked the car near the waiting area bus as he sighed and looked at Rin.

"What's wrong babe?"

Rin asked as she cupped Hyunjin's cheeks.

Hyunjin shook his head and grabbed Rin's hands on his cheek and pushed it back to hers making the girl frown.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm breaking up with you."

Rin felt her heart shatter.

"W-What? N-No your joking right? Babe! Tell me your joking!"

Rin yelled as she tried grabbing Hyunjin's Hands.

"Look I'm sorry ok? It's just that I fell in love with someone worth my time and someone who can actually satisfy me."

Rin got furious.

"So that's it!? Was I only your Sex Toy!? You fucking player!"

Rin punched him over and over again at his chest as he tried calming the girl down.

"Get out of my car you player!!"

Hyunjin got out of the car as Rin followed suit.

Rin slapped him as tears ran down on her cheeks.

"Don't ever! As In EVER! show your face to me Hwang Hyunjin! Fuck you asshole!"

Rin got inside the car as she immediately drove away.

She cries and cries making her sight blur.

She didn't even noticed a wall infront of her car as it crash to it destroying the car and Killing her.

As that happened Some people who pass by immediately called the ambulance but it was too late.

Rin has died on a Car Crash.

April 2, 2018



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To Be Continued...

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