Sunshine Shu And Brave Tzu

97 5 33

(did not proofread)

*Bell Rings*

Brielle sighed as classes are already finished.

She stood up but got stop by A girl holding her shoulder.

"Brielle, It's me Wheein."

Brielle looked at Wheein.

"Hwasa already left to got get your other friends, we need to talk."

Wheein flinched when Hyunjin bumped her shoulder.

"Fuck you! Pussy boy!"

Hyunjin just flicked her off.

"Go find Rin and flirt with her."

Wheein and Brielle looked at each other.

"I know Seung wouldn't let him."

Brielle chuckled.

"Just like Yongsun, she knows who of a fucker... Let's go at the rooftop."

"Wheein sunbae!"

Wheein looked at her back and saw a tall sophomore bowing at her before handing her love letters, flowers and chocolates.

"... Who's this for Soobin?"

"C-Can you gi-give it to Rin Sunbae?"

Brielle raised her eyebrows before nodding.

"Alright buddy."

Soobin smiles and bows before running away.

"The fuck? I looked like a fucking gremlin beside him..."

Wheein mumbles as Brielle giggles.


Rin was approaching them.

"Here you go lover girl!"

Wheein pushed the things Soobin have her towards Rin.

"That's from Soobin, sophomore."

Rin blushed a bit.


"What are y'all doing here?"

Seung was with Yongsun and Byul.

Irene was at their back.

Seung saw Hyunjin.

"Oh Rin! Here you are, I'm planning to invite you to dinner, you down?"

Yongsun cockblocked Hyunjin as she stood infront of Rin with her arms crossed.

Seung was at her back glaring at the boy with tense eyes.

Soojin was walking with Shuhua as the pale pup finished her sword fighting class.

"So I won because I smacked him like this, then this, then like this, then wapow!"

Soojin giggles at Shuhua's story on how she won the sword fight between her and a guy named beomgyu.

Of course she remembered how she broke Shuhua.

This ball of sunshine that turned into pure darkness as soon as she left her.

"I will never leave you again."

Soojin thought as she holds the pale girls hand intertwining their fingers as she continues to listen.

"And then Taemin sunbae was so proud of me! And--Wait why is Hyunjin sunbae shouting at Yong Sunbae?"

Soojin's eyes widened as she saw Irene alive.

"She can't go, not with a pitbull lookin moron like you."

Yongsun hissed as Hyunjin pushed her.


Yes Nayeon bun is alive!

Nayeon heard the commotion and she immediately left to go find Tzuyu.

"Hey! Don't push my girlfriend!"

Byul punched him as Hyunjin's friend immediately pushed Byul.

Hwasa was with Tzuyu looking at Wheein painting that was displayed at the art room.

"You know Tzu, You should take art class too."

Tzuyu nodded until Nayeon bursted in the door.

"Babe! Hwasa sunbae! Fight! There's a fight happening! Let's go!"

Hwasa and Tzuyu followed Nayeon.

"You didn't have to punch him!"

Felix shouted as he helped Hyunjin up.

"If he didn't pushed a girl! More importantly MY girlfriend! I wouldn't you damn douche!"

Byul shouted back as Wheein and Brielle held her back.

Irene flinched as a cold breeze ran pass her with a bamboo sword.

Felix tried punching byul down when he was blocked by a bamboo sword.

Shuhua who raised her head with a glare spoke.

"Don't Hurt Them."

Soojin ran towards them.

"Go away little girl!"

Chang-Bin yelled as he was kicked back by Tzuyu who held Shuhua's shoulder to calm down.

"Why don't you get your scrummy douche of a friend's and that pitbull lookin scumbag away from MY friends and never show your face until you turn into dust, hm?"

Tzuyu snapped as she shoos the guys away.

Beomgyu who was watching awed at how cool Tzuyu was.

"How's dinner in a fancy restaurant next to a beautiful clean lake sounds?"

Tzuyu smiles at them.

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🧡 - ❤️
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💙 - ❣
💜 - ♥️

To Be Continued...

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