Something About The Different Timelines

81 4 16

(did not proofread)

Brielle wiped her lips after eating some delicious steak.

Irene chuckled as she saw other students running around the side of the beautiful clean lake.

"Death 1 will be Nayeon, Make sure to go on The Practice room Bri."

Brielle looked at Irene who glanced at her with a short nod.

Brielle looked at Tzuyu who was enjoying getting fed by Nayeon.

They are so happy and so beautiful together.

"I'll save both of you Tzu and Nayeon...."

Brielle clenched her fist as she smiled warmly at Tzuyu who looked at her with a wide grin.

Unknown to them.

Hyunjin was with Woo-bin spying on the girls.

"As for now, Brielle knows how will that girl die. So Chang-Bin, kidnap Ms. Im and maker sure to sell her to some creepers hm?"

Chang-Bin nodded.

Hwasa went back to the table with a bitch face.

"Let's get out of here and run, Now."

Seung glanced at the lake.

Her eyes widened when she saw a glitch.

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Seung flinched but immediately shook her head.

Rin noticed and tried asking her what was wrong, which the tall girl just chuckled and shake her head.

"I don't know why but.... Something feels so wrong about this.... Time... Line?"

"You know huh?"

Seung gasped and held her head.

Irene immediately ran to her and held her shoulders.

Seung looked up and saw Irene's eyes glowing red while she has this mischievous smile while her uniform was covered with blood.

"I killed everyone just for you sister!"

Seung pushed Irene away as she backs away but ended up falling on the railings towards the deep clean lake.


"What's happening to her!?"

Brielle gulped before her eyes turned white.

"Y/n? Let's go?"

Brielle looked at Seung that has a Blue hair with a different uniform.

Brielle fell down on her knees.

Suddenly her nose began to bleed as she had this upcoming headache.

"I think I'm fucking up all this alternate timelines..."

Brielle thought as Rin helped her up.

Tzuyu dived in the lake.

Seung looked down the water and saw an older version of her.

"Montero is a place where everything can happen."

The older version of her smirked before Tzuyu grabbed her shoulder.

Seung looked at Tzuyu.

Her eyes widened when she saw Tzuyu looked older and has White wings.

Tzuyu dragged Seung up the land as they coughed.

"Seung you stupid fuck! What were you thinking!?"

Rin shouted as she held Seung's shoulder.

Seung looked at Brielle and Irene.

"You two, we need to talk."

The two silently gasped when they saw Seung's eyes shined blue before fading.

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🧡 - ❤️
💛 - 💚
¿💙? - ❣
💜 - ♥️

To Be Continued...

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