Choice A (Pt. 1)

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(did not proofread)

Irene and Brielle we're both inside the car.

"Why can't I just be with Brielle peacefully? Why is the world so against us?"

Brielle gripped the steering wheel as she glanced at Irene who was looking outside, tears still falling.

"Irene.... I'm here... I won't leave you."

Brielle removed her hand at the steering wheel as she holds Irene's hand.

"I know you won't, it's just that.... Yeri... Hyunjin... They need justice..."

Brielle looked down.

There was only one way to get justice for them.

But she has to let go of the ones she loves in order to do that.

Irene looked at Brielle as she knows what will happen if chose to give justice to them.

"I'm sorry My Love, but I think this is the only way we can be both happy... Start a new life without us... Without them and.... Without... Me.."

"Brielle... Let Me Go."

Brielle's eyes widened.


"I need to make myself guilty from everything... So nothing can stop her..."

"I think I'm the one who is stopping you to save your friends...."

Brielle was speechless.


"You want your friends to have justice? Then go back.... You know how to control the situation since you saw what will happen right? Leave me...."

Irene looked at Brielle as the car stopped at the parking lot infront of their school.

"Irene I Love You I can't let you go!"

Brielle cried as Irene cupped both of her cheeks.

"Your real mission is to save your friends right? Now Go... Forget about me, Bring justice to Hyunjin and Yeri.... Please."

"No! Isn't there any other way?"

Irene sadly sighed as Brielle hugged her.

"We Can't Be Together Since The World Is So Against It... I'm Sorry My Love."

Irene kissed Brielle's forehead making the girl black out.

"We Both Know You Can't Do Anything To Save Your Friends.... But At least Give Them Justice."

(Now y'all lil peasants hear me out ok? Two endings alright? Alright. Now The First One is here.)

Brielle opened her eyes as she saw the sun rising when she saw it peek through her blinds.

She felt tears ran down her eyes like fountains.

She looked at the mirror and saw her hair back to Blonde.

"I Can't save them.... Then I guess... I'll die too..."

She then slapped herself.

"No you stupid fuck! Bring justice to them!.... We both know... You can'"

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