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(did not proofread)

Change of plans, I'll be explaining everything to Brielle. Take them to Rin's house first before we explain it to them.... Or like... Never...

"Alright Brielle, listen to us very well ok?"

Moonbyul sat down at her single couch.

Moonbyul invited Brielle to her house with Jeongyeon and Wendy after they took the others to Rin's house, to explain why she knew everything.

"Look Brielle, When you always saved them.... The timeline changes."

Moonbyul sighed as Wendy nodded as Jeongyeon solve the Rubik's cube.


Burn Cube.


"For example: if you're early you get to see Rin first and take her with you, But if you did then Seung jumps off a building, Tzuyu gets trapped at the hospital before drowning herself back to her dorm, Shuhua burns herself at Hotel SA."

Brielle gulps, it was true.

"Then another one: You're early BUT you go to Tzuyu first and Rin will leave but you manage to stop her, Seung goes into death sentence for killing the doctors that killed Jihyo, Shuhua burns herself on Hotel VE."

Jeongyeon was struggling at the Rubik's so Wendy helped her.

Brielle's gulps the tea as her throat went dry.

"Third one is: You go to Rin and asked her to go to where Tzuyu is as you go to Seung, But The bullies brought back Tzuyu's traumatizing past causing her to snap and ran away and almost got bumped by Hyunjin's car. But Seung saved her. Shuhua burns on Hotel ME."

Moonbyul puts down her cup of tea.

"There's more: You go to Tzuyu and told her to go where Rin is, you save Seung before she killed those Nasty ass doctors and took Soojin with you. Tzuyu appears at the exact time Hyunjin was there and pushed her, Shuhua saw It and smashed the bottle on his head. You and Seung came in time but Hyunjin stabbed the shard of glass to Shuhua causing her to die."

Jeongyeon cheers as her and Wendy finally solve the Rubik's.

"Nother one is: You go to Tzuyu and take her with you and beat the shit out of Hyunjin and went to where Seung is, Rin saw Shuhua passed out so she took care of her. Now with You, Seung, Tzuyu and Soojin you guys went to Rin's house but shit got heated as Rin learned that Tzuyu beat Hyunjin. Rin who was blinded by anger shouted hurtful words and mocked the deaths of Seung and Tzuyu's lovers deaths making them leave and drink. Seung was drinking of course a whiskey and Tzuyu was drinking an Orange juice I saw it I was there. Hyunjin came in and recognized Tzuyu so he immediately got angry and tried killing Tzuyu but Seung was there and all of the people got into a fight. Hyunjin stabbed Seung as Rin, you, Shuhua and Soojin were late. You called the ambulance but as soon as they were near the hospital the vehicle was ambushed by no other than Hyunjin's friends."

Brielle was impressed.

She knew all along.

But why didn't she visit first?

"I didn't visit you because I was cautious about everything. As you may or may not know there's something wrong with the past that's why it is happening in your future."

Moonbyul revealed as Brielle gasped.

"I'm classmates with Seung same with my girlfriend, Jeongyeon, Soojin and Wendy is classmates with you and Rin. Tzuyu and Shuhua are classmates."

Brielle nods.

"Here's your first mission, take an old picture of you with the four of them and bring it here.... I'll teach you something risky... But it'll have to do if you want to fix this situation here."

Moonbyul sighs as Brielle nodded.

"I'll fix everything."


To Be Continued...

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