Are You Fucking Up Everything?

70 4 17

(did not proofread)

Everyone went home as Seung stayed.

Irene and Brielle looked at each other before looking at Seung who was enjoying the peace and quiet on top of the hill.

Irene looked down her hands.


Her hands were full of blood as she saw dead body's infront of her.

Looking up she saw a bear looking girl holding up a knife and a letter.

It doesn't look like an ordinary letter.

It's a love letter.

She looked at her side and saw Brielle laying limp on the floor as blood came dripping down her mouth as her eyes were now dead and dull.

"You belong to me."

The bear looking girl said before jabbing the knife in her stomach.


Irene gasped as she fell down the ground breathing heavily.

She was shaking so bad as tears cascade down her cheeks.

Brielle tried calling her but it won't work as Irene kept looking down her hands.

Seung looked at them before running down towards them.

"Irene! Joohyun! Hey!"

Irene looked up.

Seung's worried face looked familiar.


"Hey, yah Hyun... You good?"

A more matured looking Seung with Blue hair said as she waved her hand infront of her.

"Your members are worried..."


She doesn't know any "members".

"Unnie are you ok?"

She looked at the short turtle.

(Lmao sorry yeri)

"I think she's overworked... Let's put her back to the dorm."

This time the one who said something was a a hamster girl, kinda like Moonbyul.



Irene shook her head before calming down.

"I-I'm fine.... Ju-st...just... I don't know..."

"You sure? We can let you rest there in the bench while me and Brielle talk about something--"


Seung and Brielle flinched as Irene sighed.

"No, I don't need rest.... I'm fine, let's just sit down..."


The three of them sat down and felt the cold wind.

"Bri.... Do you perhaps know what is happening? Why I'm seeing more like feeling it too... Those alternate realities..."

Seung asked as she looked at Brielle.

"I believe I'm fucking things up Seung."

Brielle teared up as Irene felt a pang in her heart seeing Brielle sad, she held her hand and gave it a light squeeze.

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