Witnessing Some Deaths (Pt.2)

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Brielle opened her eyes as she immediately checked her phone.

She gasped.

April 2, 2018

"W-What.. I don't understand... How.."

She whispered silently as she looked all around her room.

She just shook her head deciding not to use her car today as she went to get ready.

She walked and walked until she reached the street of their old school and saw Tzuyu running inside the school as she had bruises on her face.

Brielle furrowed her eyebrows.

She shook her head and walked away going to a gasoline stop as she buyed some snacks for herself.

As she walked away she heard a loud cracking noise and she flinched and looked down...

And saw Seung...

Looking at her...

Bathing on her own blood.

Brielle hyperventilated clutching her chest as Seung was just staring at her with dead dull eyes.

The eyes she used to see warmth was now exchanged with cold.


She whispered and suddenly everything cracked and she collapsed.



Brielle yelled as she jumps on her bed.

She was covered in sweat as she trembled.

"A-Another dream?..."

She looked at the date.

April 2, 2018

"What is happening!?"

Brielle screeched as she held her head as her head hurts.

"I don't understand damn it.... What is happening?..."

"You seem to not remember.."

"W-What!? Who the hell are you!?"

Brielle shouted as she stood up karate chopping the air.

"It's me who gave you some lives to save your friends."

"So... It was real... A-All of i-it... It... T-They... Did They... T-They did? They.. killed themselves.."

Brielle looked down.

"Oh God.."

Brielle sat down on her bed as she held her throbbing head with all of the memories she saw.

"Why... Why would they..."

Her tear drops on the ground and soon the tears turned into waterfalls.

"I don't understand why would they.."

She hugged the pillow close crying her heart out.

"This... This is a fucking nightmare!"

Brielle screamed as she threw her pillow clutching her head as she cried more.

"This isn't real, this can't be? I-I don't know..."

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