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(did not proofread)

(Credits to Rin)

It was another boring day in class.

Irene was mindlessly looking at the teacher who was teaching another lesson in physics, but she was too busy focusing on her own thoughts rather than listening to the teacher.

Seung who was beside her passed her a note asking if Irene was gonna confess today which Irene turned to her and nodded clearly nervous and in fear of being rejected.

Seung chuckled.

Before Irene would confess she went to Rin for some advice since she is practically an expert at love and knowing that Rin is Brielle's childhood friend.

Rin advised her to bring Brielle into an abandoned train track which she and Brielle discovered when they were kids later becoming one of their favorite places to go since it was their spot.

It was almost break time and a lot of students were practically starving waiting for the bell to ring so they can flood the canteen like hungry animals.

As the students were busy buying their lunch Irene is busy looking at a table to sit in.

Once she saw Seung and the others she quickly went to their table only without sitting besides Brielle since she is still feeling the nervous butterflies that's fluttering inside her stomach.

As she chose to sit in between Rin and Tzuyu instead.

The others noticed, sending each other weird and confused glances wondering why Irene didn't sit besides Brielle today while Rin was just there enjoying her lunch practically ignoring the the questioning looks around the table since they don't know what's gonna happen later.

Tzuyu who was besides Rin looked at her and gave a sad pout because she wanted her unnie to baby her like she always do.

"Rin Unnie~"

Tzuyu whined making a pouty face making Rin stop eating and turn look at her.


Rin asked Tzuyu who looked like a child who got scolded by her parents.

"Feed me!"

Tzuyu said cutely making Rin chuckle switching sits with Irene so that she can feed the hungry yoda.

Seung chuckled while looking at Rin feeding Tzuyu while Shuhua was glaring cutely at Tzuyu because she stole her unnie.

"Man Fuck this shit! Wait till I find a girl who can also feed me!"

"Oh? What kind of feed Shu?"

Seung smirks as Shuhua's ears turned Red.

As the group was cleaning their table the bell rang indicating that lunch time is over and that they needed to return to their respective classrooms for another round of boring lectures.

As Brielle was about to exit the canteen she heard Irene calling her which made her stop and turn as she saw Irene walking up to her.

"What is it?"

Brielle asked.

"Can you meet me after school? I have something to tell you."

(And may I remind you lil shits THIS IS YOU AS BRIELLE)

Irene said suddenly feeling the nervous pitter patter of her heart returning.

"Ok sure."

Brielle said and waved goodbye to Irene as she didn't wanna be late for her next class.

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