Who Is SHE?

86 3 23

(did not proofread)

Seung sighed as Rin nagged her about how she was crying blood and was staining her carpet.

Brielle chuckled at the scene infront of her before flinching as Irene placed her hand at her shoulder.

"Don't you think it's getting suspicious? Like how everything is changing? How Seung knows, this wasn't supposed to happen? How The deaths are changing too?"

Irene worriedly asked as she bit her inside cheek.

Brielle gulped as she nodded.

While Irene and Brielle thought on how to help everyone, Seung was still getting nagged by Rin who is now shedding tears.

"Y-You shit head! Wh-Why w-were yo-u ble-eding!? I said don't d-die but he-re you are Bleeding you fucking shit!"

Rin hiccups as she was engulfed by Seung on a tight hug.

"I'm not going anywhere sis, I'm here and I'll stay with you till we're old."

Seung smiles as Rin sniffled.

"We made a promise to each other, and I won't break it even if we're in a life or death situation... I won't leave you alone."

Rin nods as she wipes her snot on Seung's shirt.

"Oh come on! That was my favorite shirt!"

Rin giggled as Seung chuckled seeing her friend now happy.


"You didn't have to sacrifice yourself! You didn't have to do anything for me! You didn't have to protect me! Seung for God's sake I just need my sister here with me--"

"But without any sacrifice HE always ends up being a God!"


Seung blinked as Rin waved her hand infront of her.

"Hey, you were spacing out again..."

"Sorry.... Got a lot In my mind..."

Seung mumbled as she flopped down the bed and took the blanket, using it to wipe the snot of Rin off her shirt.

"Hey! What the--THATS MY BLANKY!"

Irene smiled a little seeing their interaction.

"We need to get Nayeon and Tzuyu."

Irene said as she grabbed Brielle's wrist.

Brielle blushed at the contact before nodding as she followed Irene out of the house.


"You are special Brielle, and I need you to do me a favor."

Brielle gasped and looked up to see A Goddess giving her the warmest smile.

"Your so pretty-i meanWho-I mean-what?"

Brielle got flustered.

The Goddess Chuckled.

"I Need You To Help The Original God's."

Brielle's eyes widened seeing The Faces Of The Original God's.

"You Are Their--"


"Brielle? We're here?"

Irene shook Brielle's shoulder.

They were now infront of her house.

"Tomorrow Is the death of Nayeon.. are you ready?"

۝--------¿🤍? I Am What?
🧡 = ✓
💛 = ✓
💜 = ✓
۝--------¿💙? Who Is She?
🤎 = ✓
❤️ = ✓
💚 = ✓
❣   = ✓
♥️ = ✓

To Be Continued...

Y'all better fucking buckle yourself up cause shits bout to go down real hard.

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