You Knew!?

77 5 14

(did not proofread)

Brielle fidgets with the straw on her lips as she waits for a certain hamster.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. My girlfriend wanted me to drop her off to work."

Moonbyul Yi.

What a very beautiful name.

"So... What do you wanna talk about?"

Moonbyul smiles.

"I know your rushing because everyone will go in mayhem again right?"

Brielle nods.

"Don't worry, I told Soojin to go to Rin's house and wait for Shuhua to pass by. I also told Wendy to grab Seung, and also Jeongyeon to help Tzuyu."

"Y-You know u-us?"

Brielle asked shockingly.


Moonbyul sighs.

"I kept having this dreams of Five girls drowning, they just want to be together but there's always problems coming and they ended up not being together... And the real problem is that guy... I think he knows how to make YOU suffer or more like he wants to see everyone die over and over again.... Brielle... You only have 10 more lives to save them... Until you go into a very difficult choices... This is just a warning... I don't wanna scare you off like that..."

Moonbyul chuckles as Brielle sighed and sips her drink.

"Brielle, why are they important to you?"

Moonbyul asked.

"Seung is my first love, and maybe she still is... I dunno..."

Brielle admits as Moonbyul giggles.

"Rin was my first Best Friend... She's my shoulder to lean and cry on.. she's very trustworthy and very kind..."

Moonbyul nods as she told her order at the waitress.

"Tzuyu was sweet but sometimes a crackhead... She loves to tease the shit out of Rin back when we were highschoolers..."

Brielle chuckles.

"Shuhua our sweet maknae is a full on crackhead, tho she loves to play piano and loves Seo--"


Both of them laughed.

"Let's wait for their report alright?"

Jeongyeon was waiting at the gates while drinking her iced Americano.

She saw Tzuyu walking inside but was dragged away by her bullies.

And on cue Jeongyeon removed her hat and glasses and grabbed her wooden bat beside her.

"Oi! Leave the kid alone bastards!"

Jeongyeon yells as she threw her coffee at the guy before smacking the bat at his face.

Tzuyu was kneeling down hugging the bunny plushie.

The other guy was about to rip the bunny off her when Jeongyeon kicked his face up then smacking the bat on his kneecaps.

The boys ran away.

"T-Thank you..."

Tzuyu utters as Jeongyeon squats down to her level.

"Your very welcome..."

Jeongyeon smiles as she patted Tzuyu's head.

"What's her name?"

Jeongyeon points her lips at the bunny as Tzuyu smiles and raised the bunny.

"Im Nayeon..."

Of course Jeongyeon knows her.

It's her Best Friend after all.

After she heard that Nayeon has a lover she immediately flew back to Korea to meet the girl.

Now that she has met her.

She understands why Nayeon Fell in love with Tzuyu.

"Do you want pizza? Ms??"

"Chou Tzuyu."

Chou Tzuyu, a name that she knew will Change her life.

"Alright let's go."

Soojin was talking with Rin.

"You saw Hyunjin.... How.. do you know him?"

"Tzuyu told me."

Rin's eyes widened.

"She cares a lot and didn't want you to be sad after you know what Hyunjin will do."

Rin smiled at Soojin.

Before they continue they heard a glass break.

They ran outside and saw Hyunjin fighting with Shuhua.

"Hyunjin! That's it! We're fucking over! Now go and buy your own car douchebag!"

Rin pushes Hyunjin as he grew pissed, at the exact moment a police passed by.

Hyunjin couldn't do anything but just walk off.

"Holy shit Shuhua! Your so wasted aish!"

Rin sighed heavily as she helped Soojin get Shuhua inside.

Seung was now inside the hospital.

After she burns this shit down she will also fly away.

Someone suddenly gripped her hand.


Son Seungwan or should I say Wendy was the one who grabbed her hand.

"It's not worth it."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think she would like this?"

Seung's eyes widened.

"Everyone is waiting for us, now let's go. I'll explain everything as we go to Byul's house."

New Message!

"I got her."


To Be Continued...

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