Try Again (Pt.1)

89 7 10

(did not proofread)

April 2, 2018


Brielle stared at the ceiling.

Before she jumped up from her bed with a wide smile.

"Let's fucking do this!"

She got ready and started to write on some sticky notes sticking them on the wall while she has a red string that connects the fates of her Best Friends.

Save Rin from the Car Crash.

Save Seung from falling down the tallest building that is being repaired.

Now all she need is Tzuyu and Shuhua.

She took her jacket and immediately turned her cars ignition on before driving away.

"I'm probably late... Well the fact I didn't saw Tzuyu today and I know Rin is not on her house anymore."

Brielle sped the car to chase Rin.

She stopped at the familiar Bus waiting station and saw Rin crying.


Hyunjin spat blood as Brielle punched him right in the face.


Rin immediately hugged Brielle from behind.

"Yeah that's right bitch run away like a pussy you are!"

Brielle yelled as Hyunjin took the car and left.

"Rin! We need to find Seung! Let's go!"


Brielle dragged Rin towards her car and made her seat.

Brielle gripped the steering wheel and drove away.

"What the fuck is wrong Brielle? Why do we need to find Seung?"

"Just trust me on this one."

They parked at a dark alleyway and immediately got out of the car.

"Find her at one of those under construction buildings! I'll go here!"

Brielle waved at Rin as she immediately ran towards another building.

Rin nodded and started to feel Nervous as she started to ran up the stairs of the under construction buildings.


Brielle called but didn't saw one at the building, she groaned and ran.

Rin opened the door of the rooftop.

She saw a shadow standing over an edge.

"Who the fuck is this tall motherfucker--"

Rin's eyes widened when she recognized the denim jacket.

"Here sis, Happy b-day.."

Rin gave Seung a denim jacket.

"Thanks... I promise I'll wear this everyday because you gave it to me."

"Stop being cheesy, and please just wear it twice or thrice a week and put it on a wash."

"Aight I promise."

"Yah! You tall bastard what the fuck are you doing!?"

Seung flinched and turned around.


Seung's eyes softened and turned around to take a look on Rin.

"What are you doin here Rin."

Seung sighed as she took one of her cigarettes and lit it.

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