I Can Stop and Reverse Time!?

70 4 17

(did not proofread)

"So this is all of it huh..."

Byul sighs as she fixes her glasses.


A woman went inside their house.

"Yong Unnie!"

Wheein giggles and hugs Yongsun who smiled and waved at them.

"You must be Brielle, I'm Kim Yongsun."

"I know Unnie, your classmates with one of my friends!"

Brielle chuckles as Yongsun sheepishly scratch her nape.

"I'll go prepare dinner, you guys can continue--and please Hwasa don't sit at the edge of the couch you'll fall and hurt your back."

Yongsun gave Hwasa a warning glare as Hwasa immediately scooted away from the edge.

Yongsun tied her hair and went inside the kitchen.

Wheein slipped.

Brielle held out her hand as the time immediately stopped.

Byul slowed down from freaking out.

Hwasa stopped at her shocked face.

Brielle was shock.

"Wait what? I... I stopped time?"

Brielle stood up and went beside Wheein holding her waist.

The time immediately continued as Wheein oofed and Brielle caught her.

"Woah! That was a fast reflex Brielle!"

Wheein yelled shockingly.

Byul was shocked.


Brielle looked at Byul as if she grew three heads.

"What is this? The Lion King?"

Hwasa chuckled as Wheein looked at Brielle surprised.


All of them looked at Yongsun who was standing beside the stove as she fry some chicken.


Byul nervously looked at Wheein.

"Her attitude is like Wheein's but her 'power's' are like Irene's."

Yongsun looked at them seriously before looking back on the food.

"Irene died by saving us when we were Colleges...."

Yongsun frowned as tears appeared on the side of her eyes but she quickly blinked fast to make the tears go away and sighed.

Wheein sadly looked down as Hwasa cooed and went towards her to hug her.

Brielle looks at her hands.

"I can Stop time.... I can stop time?.... I CAN STOP TIME!?"

Brielle held out her hand and as soon Wheein removes her hands away from Hwasa the time froze but not completely it reversed.

Wheein's hands were back on Hwasa's waist as they hugged.


Brielle gasped.

"What's wrong?"

Byul asked as she heard Brielle gasped.

"N-Nothing... It's just... I can also reverse time!"

Everyone gasped.

Brielle got a message.

Aye Girl meet me at our favorite Cafe.

Brielle's sighs as she grabbed her purse and jacket.

"Hey aren't you going to have dinner with us?"

"I will I'll just visit a friend!"

Brielle waves.

Yongsun glanced at her.

"Chaos Chapter."

"Brielle over here!"

Rin waves as she hugs Brielle who hugged back before settling down at the soft single couches.

"Look Bri,, I heard Tzuyu is stuck in a Hospital because her step mother said so--"

Brielle's eyes widened.

"... Again?"

Rin looked at her confused.

"What again?"

"Oh nothing... Please do continue..."

"Seung is nowhere to be found and Shuhua is at my house having a hangover as Soojin takes care of her."

Brielle nodded, sipping on her milkshake.

A thief was seen inside the cafe as he began shooting.

Brielle's eyes widened as the thief was about to shoot a pregnant lady.

She held out her hand stopping time.

The bullet was near the woman's stomach.

"You ain't doing shit!"

Brielle cussed as she reversed time making the bullet go back to the gun and the thief to hide his gun back to his jacket before exiting the cafe.

Brielle continued as the thief went back to his car driving away.

She made the time play again as she ran towards a police officer saying she saw a thief so the police officers immediately checked on the car and soon arrested the thief.


Brielle looked at her back and saw Rin.

"Oh hey."

"Your already here, let's go inside."

"Not only I got to save a pregnant woman, I also get a free milkshake again!"


To Be Continued...

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