Don't Lose Hope (Pt.2)

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(did not proofread)

Soojin heard someone falling down on their bed so she went to check the guest room.

Her eyes immediately locked with the ones that she loves.



Shuhua immediately stood up before sitting down on the bed as she drinks the Advil and drinks her water.

"How are you feeling now?"

Soojin asked softly as she sat down beside Shuhua.


Shuhua fidgets with the blanket.

Rin woke up and heard some chattering at the other side of her room.

She walked towards the door and peek and saw Shuhua wiping her tears as Soojin was crying too.

"... I'll let them be..."

Rin whispered to herself as she walked away and went downstairs.

"Oh Brielle Good morning..."

"Morning to you too Rin..."

Brielle smiles as she looks at the News paper.

"Morningggggggggaoxjdjejxja I'm still tired...."

Tzuyu mumbles as she yawns going downstairs with Seung chuckling.

"Lovebirds are reuniting there at the other room and Tzuyu's nightmares ain't helping... I'm still fucking sleepy.."

Seung grumbles as Tzuyu pouted.

"What nightmares Tzu?"

Rin asked as she grabbed Tzuyu's hand making her sit next to her as she puts the girls head on her lap patting her.

".... Bunny..."

Tzuyu whispers as she tears up.

Brielle frowned.

Rin sadly sighed as she continues to pat Tzuyu who fell asleep on her lap.

Seung went beside Brielle as she laid her head at the girls lap.

"Wake me up when September ends..."

Brielle looked at the calendar of her phone.

April 3, 2018

She smiles softly before patting Seung's head.

"Then sleep."

Seung nods hugging the pillow of the couch.

"What's wrong Rin?"

Brielle asked as she saw the girl furrow her eyebrows at her phone.

"My boyfriend texted me saying You and Tzuyu... Beat him up?"

Rin looked at Brielle flabbergasted.

"Well.... Ask Tzuyu..."

Brielle quietly sips her Coffee as Seung snuggles more on Brielle's stomach.

"Oi! Sleepyhead wake up and tell me why you beat up my boyfriend."

Rin smacks Tzuyu's head who immediately woke up and smacks the pillow on Rin's face.

Brielle snorts as The two glared at each other.

"Nothing changes..."

"Yah! I heard you and Shuhua burned my admirers love letters for me!"

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