Pictures From The Past

79 6 21

(did not proofread)

"Where the hell is it!?!!"

Brielle huffs as she threw all her clothes on her bed but never found her picture with the others.

"... I have to visit them and ask if they still have our picture together."

Before Brielle can go her phone buzzed.

Moonbyul StarOfTheNight
Hey girl, I think you wanna see and hear this news. It's about Rin's Boyfriend. Life Is Getting Strange.

Brielle sighs as she took her car keys and drove towards Byul's house.

"Hey so what's up?"

Brielle sat down at the couch as Moonbyul was typing something on her laptop.

"Do you perhaps wanna know why I want to help you?"

Byul asked as Brielle looked at her.

She nodded.

"... You remind me of... Wheein."

Brielle was about to ask who was Wheein when byul cut her off.

"Wheein is my best friend..."

Brielle nodded.

"She sent me this... It just happens that she is neighbor with Hyunjin. And you do know Rin and him haven't broke up yet right?"


Brielle sighed.

Byul faced the laptop infront of her.

"Hey, Byul it's me Hwi. Remember the boy you told me about? Yeah him. His actually my neighbor! And the car you showed me is actually here and his hosting a party with a lot of girls..."

Wheein said as she looked at the camera.

"I have my girlfriend with me, Hwasa and I will spy his party so in any case we helped the girl you told me about who reminded you of Me."

Wheein smiled as Hwasa waved at the camera.

Wheein hid the camera on her jacket as she grabbed Hwasa's hand and walked towards Hyunjin's house.

She opened the door and saw a lot of people dancing wildly and getting wasted.

"Hey! Welcome to my party neighbor!"

Hyunjin smiled at Wheein and Hwasa.

"You guys can go party, I'll just be there with the ladies with big asses!"

Wheein fake smiled before going upstairs towards Hyunjin's room.

She went inside and Hwasa was guarding the door with a taser.

"Ok, I'm in His disgusting room..."

Wheein scrunched her nose as the room smelled like someone just finished having sex here.

"The fuck? Is that a fucking used condom thrown in his fucking window? Ew disgusting..."

Brielle and Byul laughed as Wheein faced the camera to her and made a disgusted face.

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