Prom (Pt. 2)

61 4 20

(did not proofread...)

"This is wild..."

Irene whispered as Brielle laughed when she saw Moonbyul trip on the swimming pool.

Irene looked at Yongsun who saved Moonbyul and started scolding her, and then there's Wheein being the third wheeler as Hwasa was being a party animal at the dance floor.

Irene looked at Yongsun who saved Moonbyul and started scolding her, and then there's Wheein being the third wheeler as Hwasa was being a party animal at the dance floor

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"Such a mess..."

Seung chuckled as Jihyo held her hand.

"Hm? What's wrong?"

Seung asked Jihyo who was seemingly looking tensed as she glanced at the other side of the stage.

"I feel like somebody's watching me... More likely you..."

Brielle heard it so she looked at the other side of the stage and saw Woo-bin and Hyunjin looking at Seung as if she was the next target.

"I think they are planning to take out Seung.... Let's stick to her..."

Irene nodded but saw someone familiar.





Jennie was Brielle's other childhood friend who moved out.

"Wow! Look at you! You look taller than me now!"

Jennie giggled as Irene "unconsciously" wrapped her arms around Brielle's left arm.

Yeri noticed it and started smirking.

And that's when the teasing started.

But Brielle noticed something.


Was pale and skinny..

Is she...

A ghost?

Jihyo sighed and protectively held Seung's hand and lead her to the drinks.

"Want some?"

Jihyo sipped on the Beer on the cup as Seung shrugged and nodded.

Looking at the entrance, they can see Tzuyu slapping someone who made Nayeon cry.

Looking at the entrance, they can see Tzuyu slapping someone who made Nayeon cry

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"Make her cry again, and I swear I'll put you to the ground."

Rin was with Soobin dancing together as they laugh.

Shuhua who had her bamboo sword beside her waist guarded everyone.

Because she will smack everyone who are too close to each other.

Soojin being clingy to her as Kino glares at her which the cherry glared too.

"Faiths have to be set and done, choices have to be made... I'll be giving you 5 hours to be happy with them as it's time for you to go back to your real Time of Year."

Brielle's eyes widened at the voice.

She looked at Irene who just chatted away with Jennie and Yeri.

She looked at Hyunjin...

He was..

He was bleeding?

Brielle backed away that went unnoticed by the others.

A. Set Them Free (Seung, Rin, Tzuyu, Shuhua ENDING)

 Set Them Free (Seung, Rin, Tzuyu, Shuhua ENDING)

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B. Be With Them (Seung, Rin, Brielle, Tzuyu, Shuhua ENDING)

 Be With Them (Seung, Rin, Brielle, Tzuyu, Shuhua ENDING)

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"What kind of choices are these.... Why are you making me choose!?"

She whispered as she started to run away from the place.

Her shoes squeak as she reached outside the gym.

"You don't belong here, you are more powerful than you ever imagined Brielle... Or should I say (Y/n)."

Brielle's eyes widened.

"Stop! That's not my name--"

"It is... You belong to The Real World..."

Brielle teared up.

"The God Of Eclipse has been suffering for 10 billion years seeing her friends and loved ones die infront of her time to time... And she will be happy if she found out your alive...."

"What do you mean? This... This all doesn't make sense!?"

"Go back (Y/n). We all know you can really do anything to save them."

"No! Give me other choices!"

".... I'm afraid I cannot... Let's see if the others would like to see a different choice."

(Yes y'all, those two are the choices.)

"Choose Wisely.."

The hearts have been erased.

Choose wisely.


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