Try Again (Pt.2)

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Tzuyu cried and cried as she sat up from her bed.

She's back at her dorm.

Her step mother moved her back here.

"I just wanna see them..."

Tzuyu said as she stood up.

"I can't take this anymore.."

Tzuyu went towards her bathroom and looked down on her tub.

She turned the knob on as water began to fill the tub.

She sat down on the floor and hugged herself crying again.

"How about we go to her dorm? Maybe she's there..."

Rin suggested as The two nodded going back to the car.

Driving away, Brielle saw Rin's car.

"Wait... Isn't that your car Rin?"

Rin looked out the window and it was her car.

"It's Hyunjin!"

Rin gasped as the boy was getting chased by the police.

"Wait what is he doing!? His going to crash on us--"

Hyunjin saw them and had a very brilliant idea.

"Your not going to take me! Instead them!"

Tzuyu went inside the tub as she sighed heavily.

"Well... Ain't this nice.."

Tzuyu soon submerged herself deeper on the tub drowning herself.

"At least I get to see her..."

Hyunjin turned the car towards Brielle's as he bumped into them.


Rin yelled as she held on the seat.

Seung who was at the front seat and was probably the one who's close to where Hyunjin bumped the car into, Bumped into the window causing her head to bleed.


Brielle screamed as she held Seung's head.

Hyunjin managed to flip their car as they rolled down the highway.

Brielle coughed as she looked at her friends.

Seung with a bleeding head and legs.

Rin who's arm got stabbed with a huge shard of glass and went unconscious.

Brielle looked infront and saw people flooding the scene.

"Not... Again..."


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