My New Friend Future Irene

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(did not proofread)

Brielle was just laying down on her bed.

Irene was just chilling on her mind.

(Just imagine Irene laying down beside her)

"So.... Can you explain everything?"

Irene opens her eyes as she sighs.

"You do realize you can talk to me with your voice right?"

"What the!? You mean I can fucking talk to you outside my mind?"

"Yeah you can, but that would look like you just did drugs and just got out a fucking asylum Twit."

"Your so mean... Well I'll only talk to you like this if I'm alone, but if not? Then I'll talk to you.."


Irene smiles.

"Witty but stupid sometimes."


"Anyways I'm floating and I see you have a plan, everything is pinned here."

Irene traces the papers that was pinned on the wall making Brielle gasp as she saw some paper moving.

"Are you a ghost?"

"Well, I'm a ghost I guess? I can predict, I can touch things but I can't hurt people... Welllllllllll.."

Brielle rolled her eyes.

"I can hurt them, But that would drain me for 10 minutes. I can't talk to you neither help you."

"So why'd you chose me?"

"Why? You say.... Because.... I trust you bring justice to my death."

(Why do I feel like I'm making this a Irene x (Y/n) type of story--)

"Sad that your dead... I wanna see your face..."

Irene smiles as she moved beside Brielle making the bed creak, Brielle jumps up with a screech.

"Sheesh what a scaredy cat."

"M-Me? Psh! Nada--"



Brielle hid under the bed.


Brielle blushed in embarrassment as she crawls away from under the bed.

"Your really mean!"

Irene chuckles, if only Brielle can see her sticking her tongue out towards her teasingly.

"It's been a long time since I had this kind of joy..."

Irene sighs making Brielle frown.

She sat down on the edge as Irene hugs her pillow.

Brielle blushed imagining the girl who was hugging her pillow.

"I died because of... Aish.... He did this to me, he stabbed me 28 times in the stomach..."

Brielle's face paled at how Irene was murdered.

"2-28.... T-time-s?"


Brielle gulped as she scratched her nape.

"Do you know who did this to you?"

"Kim Woo-bin."

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