His Part Of The Problem

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Soojin was looking out the window and was still at Rin's house.

"All of this... I dreamt of all of this... Why me.. and why..."

Soojin looked at Brielle.

"There's something fishy here..."

She whispers and it seems like Shuhua heard her.

"What's wrong babe?"


Soojin smiles as she snuggles closer to Shuhua.

Tzuyu and Seung were both at a Bar as the older girl drinks whiskey and the Yoda drinks orange juice.

".... Is it my fault Unnie?..."

Tzuyu asked as she sips some of her orange juice.

"It was never your fault Tzu... We were just pissed.... That's all..."

Seung chuckled but stopped as she saw the familiar face of that asshole.

"Oi you! Your Friends with that Brielle bitch and High school kid ain't I right?"


Seung chuckled as she sips her whiskey.

"I'm talking to you bitch!"

Hyunjin saw Tzuyu.

He immediately gripped her uniform and threw her down the ground.

Seung's eyes widened as she took the beer bottle before smashing it at Hyunjin's head.

All of the people in the bar started to fight.

Hyunjin grabbed a wooden bat and smacks it at Seung's head, Tzuyu jumped on his shoulder as she started to head lock Hyunjin.

Seung got up with blood dripping down her head as she punched Hyunjin right to his nose.

Hyunjin smashed Tzuyu at the wall causing the girls back to break.

"Unnie! My back! Shit!"

Tzuyu cries in pain as she spat out blood.

Seung got punched by Hyunjin at her guts before got kneed on her face.

"Oh your a tough guy huh.."

Seung threw her phone to Tzuyu.

"Call her."

Seung swung her fist to Hyunjin's jaw as she headbuts him on the head causing him to back away a little.

Tzuyu dials Rin's number.

"Hello Seung?"

"Unnie! Hyunjin is beating Seung Unnie up and he broke my back help please!"

"I'll be there!"

Tzuyu tried standing up but she couldn't until someone lift her up.


"Hang on Kid, I'll help you."

Tzuyu stared at the Long brown haired girl as she had this girl crush aura.

"Oi! The fuck is wrong with you!?"

A Hamster looking girl shouted at Hyunjin as he stabbed the glass at Seung.


Tzuyu screams.

Another hamster looking girl decided to punch Hyunjin as he landed at the pool table.

Tzuyu crawls towards Seung who was having difficulty of breathing.

"Seung Unnie wake up!"

Soon the doors bursted out open and right there, Rin was standing with the others.

Brielle gasped and immediately calls the ambulance while she hugs Seung's bloody figure.


Shuhua gasped as the girl who helped Tzuyu looked up at her as she was supporting Tzuyu as her back was broken.


"Wait is that Moonbyul and Wendy!?"

Moonbyul was lifting up a wooden chair before smashing it at Hyunjin's face as Wendy holds both of his hands at the back.

The ambulance soon arrived.

"I'll go with her."

Tzuyu and Jeongyeon got on.

The others now looked at the messed up bar and Hyunjin.

Brielle gritted her teeth as she kicks Hyunjin at the balls.

"Your part of the problem..."

Brielle whispers.

She looked at the new people that came in their life.

"Moonbyul, Wendy and Jeongyeon... You guys must be special to be in our life... I wonder if you know... Like Soojin.."


Rin dropped down on her knees as she cried.

Hyunjin knew what will happen.

He planned it after all.

It turns out his friends were waiting with his car so they can crash the ambulance.

"Tzuyu... Seung..."

Rin cried.

Soojin looked at Brielle.

Before Brielle faded.

Soojin smiled at her.

"I'll Help You With Them."


Brielle woke up Extra early.


She looked at her wall before adding the people who was new to them.

"Something about them is very confusing... It could be that they will be our new friends... Or..."

Unknown Number
This is Moonbyul Yi, I'm just here to say.... I know what your going through Park Brielle.

To Be Continued...

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