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(did not proofread)

Double Update

(WARNING: Ok everyone this will be very very disturbing, I'm sorry to ruin the fluff there BUT I WARNED YOU ON THE LAST LAST CHAPTER!)

Brielle was looking at her board, reading all the details she have gathered this past few days.

Irene was just simply taking pictures of her using her camera.

The girl smiles as she heard a flash.

"Hey stop taking pics of me, I'm not that good looking like you."

Irene rolls her eyes at what Brielle said.

As Irene looked at her pictures, Brielle furrowed her eyebrows looking at the piece of paper that was pinned next to Hyunjin's picture.

"This address.... This was our old hangout place!.... That barn!"

Brielle gulped as she grabbed the paper and Irene's hand to go to Seung's dorm.

"Woah! Bri Love, what's wrong?"

Irene asked as she was being dragged by Brielle towards Seung's dorm.

Brielle knocked at the door.


Seung opened her door and saw Brielle shoving a piece of paper on her face.

"Remember this address? Say yes or no right now!"


Seung whispered as her eyes widened at the address of the old hangout place they used to go.

"Seung let me borrow the keys of your Ford now!"

Seung gave her keys to Brielle who immediately ran with Irene.

She sighed and closed the door.

"What's happening?"

Brielle's heart was pounding hard on her chest, Maybe this will be the answer to everything!

"Irene, remember when you were a ghost?"

Irene's eyes widened at the mention of her future.

"Yes... Why?"

"You were one hell of a gorgeous ghost."

Irene chuckled.

"And I think I know where we can find some more clues."

Irene gasped as she immediately looked at Brielle.


Irene was now nervous to what she will find.

Once Brielle saw a very old barn she parked the car.

They got out, running towards the barn.

"Look for clues Hyun, Maybe that lil shit has a hidden shit."

Irene quietly laughed.

As they continued to search for clues, Irene kicked a metal piece and it crashed down on a very old wooden floor making it have a hole.

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