Prom (Pt. 1)

70 4 63

(did not proofread)

(Credits to the pic owners.)

Seung sighed.

Been a week since THAT happened.

Today Is Prom day!

She met this girl named Park Jihyo.

She was the new student last week, and she invited Seung along with her friends to go to Prom.

She sighed again.

"I don't know if this shitty ass Flames would calm down.."

Seung hissed as she patted her shoulder when some blue flames appeared.

Seung hissed as she patted her shoulder when some blue flames appeared

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Seung went outside her dorm and found Rin waiting with Tzuyu.

Seung went outside her dorm and found Rin waiting with Tzuyu

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(This is what Doo Doo hair--i mean Rin is wearing.)

"Oh wow now..."

Seung whistled as she looked at the two stunning friends of hers.

"I know."

Rin confidently brushed her hair with sass as Tzuyu scoffed.

"For a Shit looking Ass, you sure are confident."

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