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(did not proofread)

Brielle groaned as she flutters her eyes open.

Sitting up, she noticed... This was her dorm back in high school.


In high school!?

She looked at the mirror.

She looked so young!

"What the fuck..."

Her hair was back to black and was a bit long.

(Your looks are kinda similar with Mina from Twice.)

(You were blonde in the future kinda like this.)

(But on the past your hair was black

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(But on the past your hair was black.)

(Gosh can't we all just ya know appreciate this Pretty swan right here!?)

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(Gosh can't we all just ya know appreciate this Pretty swan right here!?)


Brielle looked everywhere for Irene.

"Wait... If I'm back to the past... IRENE IS ALIVE!"

Brielle immediately dressed up on her uniform and kicked her door open then kicking it close.

Irene woke up.

She looked around.

"Seems like I got dragged in here too... At least I'll be fixing the timeline with her... Bri-BRIELLE!"

Irene took her uniform and washed up and changed fast as she went out her dorm finding the certain blonde girl.

"Shit, shit, shit where are you Irene!?"

Brielle looked around and found Her.

"Hey! Irene here!"

Irene looked at her.

"Wait... Is that Brielle? Oh wait it really is her how could i forget her?"

Irene smiles as she walked towards the girl.

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