Kang Seung-Shi

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"Hey Seung it's me Rin... I miss you.... You just randomly went missing after Brielle left us... She said she's sorry... Please call me if you received this message."


"Unnie? It's Shuhua How are you Unnie? I miss youuuuuuu! Please call us Unnie.... Everyone is missing you already.... Please Unnie."


"Seung Unnie? It's me Tzuyu it's been 1 year without you now... We miss you.... I don't know where you are but I hope we can graduate in our senior day together complete..."


"Unnie! We received your message saying your doing fine and ok that's good! I'm gonna fill you in on what you missed since it's been 1 year and 6 months now without you... Rin Unnie has a boyfriend now and.... My Girlfriend.... Never mind that! I will wait for your return Unnie! Muah! Miss you!"


"Seung... I'm with Tzuyu and Shuhua Today and... We just got the news of your girlfriend.... Dying... From... I'm so sorry Seung... I know you miss Jihyo too and I too miss her... Message or call us please..."

The tall girl released a deep sigh making the smoke from her lips flow as she flicked her cigarette.

She looked down the building she's in.

She threw the cigarette and lit up a new one.

Kang Seung-Shi.

Rin and Brielle first met her at the Music Club.

Both sang and played instruments as they had fun.

Next they met Tzuyu and Shuhua when they got into detention.

They made the detention room as their hideout place where they all have fun and do what they want, partying and celebrating their birthdays.

But then.

May 9, 2016.

"So... You... Got accepted to another school in London?"

Rin asked as she sat at one of the tables inside their hideout.

Tzuyu was just listening as The Pale girl beside her plays the piano hitting the keys smoothly.

Seung took out a lollipop as she too heard what was happening making her look away and stare down the window.

"Yes... And this has been my dream guys! And--"

"So that's it?! Your leaving us!?"

Rin shouted making Tzuyu flinch and The pale girl stop playing.

Seung felt tears ready to fall down from her eyes as she took the lollipop off and paid attention to them.

"No! It's just that this has been my dream guys! I will still see you guys! Promise!"

Brielle said as Rin nodded and hugged her very first best friend.

Seung smiled and dropped the lollipop on the floor hugging the two crying girls.

"Sheesh, Crybaby's..."

Seung smiled and threw the cigarette as she stood at edge of the building.

She misses her so badly.


Seung averted her eyes at the girl who entered herself at Seung's new dorm.

Her parents moved her on a new school being angry at her Friends that they are bad influence to her.

Seung was a little broken inside when Brielle left.

So she let herself get isolated in her new dorm.

But a random girl entered her dorm.

"Are you... Ok? Aish! What am I saying of course your not..."

"What do you want..."

"I'm Park Jihyo your new Dorm buddy!"

Seung looked at Jihyo and saw her smiling like the Goddess she is.

"Kang Seung-Shi..."

Jihyo nodded and helped Seung up.

Seung chuckled bitterly as the wind swayed around her.

"You ended up leaving me too..."

Seung whispered before she spreads her arms and lifted her left foot before making herself fall away to the building.

She fell on someone's car smashing the glass her lifeless body laying on the cars hood making the person inside scream and some of them call the ambulance.

Seung died of Falling.

April 2, 2018




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To Be Continued...

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