[01] Salvatore School

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2 years ago

Hope POV

     I could feel the warm sun creeping through my window. It made my face tingle with warmth and it felt nice but I was getting irritated by the bright light that shone on my eyes. I close my eyes tighter in hopes that the bright light would go away but it doesn't. These were supposed to be blackout curtains. Clearly, they don't work. I groan before opening my eyes and squinting through my curtains. The city is already coming to life and people are rushing along the streets. I can hear the faint noise of trumpets playing. I close my eyes and exhale deeply as I listen to the city that I've grown to call home. I lay in bed just listening to the days of normal humans before a loud honking interrupts my peaceful moment. I open my eyes and resign myself to getting out of bed. I drag my hand down my face before I roll over to my bedside. I pick my phone up and check it. I jolt up as I realize what day it is. 

    I rush out of bed tripping over my sheets in the process. I dash to the bathroom and I quickly undress in front of the big oval mirror. My clothes drop to the ground and I look in the mirror. I turn in circles for a few moments but I can't find it. I sigh as I run my hands through my tangled hair. I bring my hand down and that's when I spot it. My soulmate mark. It's January 4th which means it's my birthday. Not just any birthday though, my 16th birthday which means my soulmate and I both got our marks. I stare at the mark and I tilt my head in confusion. 

   I was expecting a picture or a number. Maybe even an address. I read and reread the cursive letters marked onto the inside of my palm. I trace it with my finger and a strange tingle goes through my hand and down my body. I keep tracing it absentmindedly as I try to rack my mind to see if the words mean anything to me. I drop my hand angrily when I come up with nothing. I stare at the mark with resentment and I spit out my sentence. "Salvatore School? What the fuck is that supposed to be?" 


Josie POV

    "Dragons, real or myth?" I raise my hand and Mr. Smith calls on me. "Josie." "Myth. In all supernatural history, a dragon has never been confirmed to be seen. They only exist in stories and fairytales." He nods proudly. "Very good. Now just because they have never been confirmed to be seen, doesn't mean they might not be out there somewhere. But the chance of that is very slim since most of the world has already been discovered. Now in stories, are they good or bad?" He looks around the room for hands but no one moves muscle. I sigh before raising my hand again. "Josie." "They are usually the bad guys. For example, in Sleeping Beauty a form of Maleficent is a dragon. A well-known story of the princess in the tower also has a dragon as the thing the hero needs to defeat. So, dragons are usually perceived as the villain." He nods. "Very good again. Now let's move on to our presentations. Who would like to go first?" The room is silent and everyone stares down at their desk. I look around the room and note that half of the class is sleeping. 

   "Okay, Josie. Since you answered the last question so well, you can go first." I sigh before nodding. I stand up and gather my things. I connect my laptop to the projector and it shows on the whiteboard. "My name is Josie and I'll be talking about the Heretics." Mr. Smith nods. "A very hard topic to tackle. Now the main topic of this unit is perspective. Who was good and who was bad?" He nods and I take that as my cue. "Well, I think the Heretics were not evil. I have a multitude of reasons for this but my main one is when the-" I stop abruptly when I feel a stinging pain on the inside of my wrist.

  It goes away and when I look up the people who are awake are staring at me. I clear my throat. "My main reason is that when the Salvatore brothers needed help, the Heretics answered and they helped." Mr. Smith nods. "While that is true, what about all the people they've killed?" I smile. "I thought that was going to be an argument and my answer to that is, Stefan Salvatore killed many people but we built a school to honor him. How are they different?" "That is true, but Stefan was a ripper meaning he..." I don't hear the rest of whatever he says because the stinging pain comes back but worse. It feels like a knife is digging into my skin and it burns. The pain brings tears to my eyes and I yelp when the stinging feeling travels throughout my body.

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