[08] Achilles

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Josie POV

     Everyone had left the car silently after being woken up my dad. Penelope and Hope left first, they swifly entered the building without looking back. Mg was next, he vamped inside and I'm sure he crashed on his bed. It was dark out so I wasn't surprised. Lizzie, Dad, and I went in last. I snuck a look at my father and his face was tired. 

   I'm sure he's regretting what he said to Hope and Penelope. I mean, it was pretty harsh. But his words made me realize I don't really know anything about them, but it seems like dad does. And the way they talked about Hope and Penelope's family makes me wonder. What is so special about their family? I've never heard of the family name, Marshall. Dad also said he had already gone against their family, which means that Aunt Elena or Aunt Bonnie knows. Maybe whenever mom comes back, I'll ask her.

   Lizzie and I say goodnight to our dad and we go into our room. As I get ready for bed I realize that Hope and Penelope must have been the children from the rich family that my dad told us about on the day that the sisters first arrived. It would make sense. The number of times that their family was brought up in their argument could not have been a coincidence. I dry my face off and I get into bed. 

   Even with my father's words and how he seemed to hate the girls, I couldn't help but be excited for my birthday. I usually don't care for my birthday since everyone pretty much ignores me but this year, I had a date. I had a date who was gorgeous and kind, and powerful. I couldn't wait. Lizzie turned the lights out and I basically passed out due to the sheer exhaustion of the day.

+     +     +

Hope POV

    Penelope and I make it to our room and that's when we collapse. We lay on the floor together without saying anything but just the presence of the other is enough comfort. Our hands are clasped together and for me, it serves as a link to reality. It's a link that binds me to the real world or else I would be lost in my mind and my thoughts. I may still be in the real world by my mind still thinks of what Alaric said.

   "Is it wrong that I agree with Alaric?" I wonder aloud. Penelope turns to look at me thoughtfully. "Not really. I agree with him as well. I mean, I do fuck everything and anything I can." I chuckle at that. "That's true." "Hey, fucking someone just feels good, I use it for distraction and it's also very pleasuring. Nothing wrong with being a slut."

   I laugh. Only Penelope would be able to make being a slut sound tempting.

 "What about a murderer? Or a monster?" I ask quietly as my laugh fades. She sighs. "Hope we've been over this, everyone is a monster." She touches my shoulder gently and I look at her for the first time since entering our room. "Remember our song, that little voice in your head, don't listen to it. Listen to me." She sits up and makes me sit up as well. She puts both of her hands on my shoulders and she looks into my eyes.

   "Now, remember what we say when that little voice keeps talking," she pauses and waits for me to say it. "No one asked your opinion, no one asked for your thoughts." She nods her head. "We'll be like Achilles, we won't listen to the voice inside our head." 

   She smiles and I smile back. "Ah, it's more courageous to overcome," she quotes. It was from the song, Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths. Our father had taught us all about literature and mythology since he saw that we enjoyed it. One of the big stories was about Achillies and his weak spot. He had told us that everyone had weak spots, you just had to find them. He also taught us how to hide our weak spots so that no one will ever be able to hurt us.

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