[24] Training Part 1

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Hope POV

   Lunch with just Josie was nice. After a few minutes of awkward exchanges, we slowly got more comfortable and we were laughing like old friends. Penelope sat with us along with Quinn and they were talking to each other through sign language and I couldn't help smile at how Penelope learned a whole language for one girl. Knowing her, that must mean she really likes the girl. Sweet. Now I get to make fun of her for being whipped. I'm so gonna hold this against her in the future.

   But lunch ended quickly seeing as Alaric called us to his office. The 4 of us walked together seeing as Quinn was now kind of an honorary member of the Super Squad and Penelope and I were only there because Lizzie couldn't kick us out since Alaric wanted us there.

   We enter the office to see the rest of the squad already standing around his desk. They all look up at the sound of our footsteps and I see Lizzie's face visibly change to anger even though I didn't do anything... yet.

   Alaric claps which breaks the silence. Quinn and Penelope go to stand around the table and Josie and I follow. "Okay, so after the whole wolf thing, we're going to actually train you guys. And this time, there will be no drugging." He talks while looking at Josie who just blushes and turns away. Her eyes flash with guilt and I reach out to take her hand. I rub soothing circles on the back of her hand to show that I've forgiven her and she smiles softly.

   "Now that everyone knows the truth about Hope and Penelope, they'll be free to train more strictly and harshly. Penelope will be in charge of teaching magic while Hope will be in charge of combat." Everyone nods along to his words but Penelope tilts her head. She doesn't say anything but I can see her thinking.

  "I have a question." I roll my eyes and look at Lizzie. "Yes?" Alaric looks tired and as if he already knows what she's going to ask. "Are we just going to welcome them back? After figuring out that they're Mikaelsons?" I sigh and I feel the familiar crash of anger on my otherwise peaceful beach. 

   "Unless you want to die, we're your best chance." My voice is firm and my words drip with ice. But Lizzie just scoffs. "Fine, if you don't want us to teach, how about we call our family and they can teach you. I'm sure my Aunt would love to spend time with you," Penelope offers innocently. 

   "What? No! I just said that we shouldn't trust you guys because you're Mikaelsons and you want to invite more over? No way." She starts rambling about why we shouldn't listen to Penelope but I can see Alaric thinking about it. His eyes are on Penelope and his teeth worry his lip. 

   "They're evil and they've killed so m-" "Actually, as much as I hate to say it, Penelope has a point. Their family may have done bad things in the past but I can't deny the fact that they are probably some of the strongest people on Earth. It'd be stupid not to invite them." Alaric stops Lizzie's rambling to talk and he leaves everyone shocked.

   Wow, I didn't think he'd actually agree. I don't think Penelope thought so either because her eyes are wide and her mouth is slightly ajar which Quinn closes and when Penelope looks at her, they start moving their hands. Quinn looks closely and nods her head and when Penelope finishes, she just nods and pats Penelope's hand gently. Cute.

  "Dad, you can't be serious." Lizzie has a pout that drags her lips down. "Actually, I'm quite serious. If my students are in danger, then I'll do anything to keep them safe. Even if that means inviting the Mikaelsons over." "But-" "This isn't up for discussion. Hope and Penelope contact them now and see who's coming."

   I look at Penelope. "Can't be Aunt Freya or Aunt Keelin. They have enough to worry about with Nik." Penelope agrees and then offers, "Why not Uncle Kol and Aunt Davina. Aunt Davina's a powerful witch so can take care of spells and Uncle Kol's a vampire who can deal with combat." I nod. "Plus, they're probably together right now so let me just call them."

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