[04] Get it, I Guess...

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Josie POV

     We're all sitting in a circle in the dimly lit room. Hope just asked the first question to Lizzie. "...have you ever cheated on your significant other?" Lizzie shakes her head firmly. "Never." "Is it because you've never had a significant other?" Penelope teases and Hope snickers. Lizzie looks up through her eyelashes and I can tell she's giving the two girls a death glare. 

   "Um, Landon, how did you end up working here?" I ask just to change the subject. He looks surprised that I asked him something. "Oh, well... I actually accidentally came upon this place when I was running away from my foster home. When Dr. Saltzman caught me, he let me stay." He shrugs and smiles shyly at me and I smile back. We ask a few more questions and no one has really drunk anything. We've all only taken a shot because Penelope and Hope forced us to. "Mg, do you like anyone in this room?" Penelope asks and when everyone looks at her she shrugs. "You guys ask boring questions, this is supposed to be where everyone either spills the tea or drinks hella."

    Mg looks around nervously and I know he's not going to out himself so I watch as he picks up the shotglass. Hope stands up and holds up two different bottles. "Pen, whiskey or soju?" "Soju, these people are lightweights, they won't be able to handle whiskey. Plus I want to save the good stuff for us." "Aight." Hope sits back down with a green bottle in her hand. She takes the shot glass from Mg and fills it to the brim with a clear liquid.

    A sweet aroma comes from the glass and it almost smells good. He takes a deep breath before bringing the glass to his lips and tipping his head backward letting the liquid go down his throat. He slams the glass on the floor and he's smiling. "That wasn't that bad." Kaleb pats Mg on the back and they fist bump.

    Penelope nods, "It's supposed to be really easy to drink. How was it?" Mg smiles again, "It tasted pretty good. What flavor is this?" "Mango," Hope replies. "Cool." He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Raf, is there anyone you have a crush on in this room?" Mg asks boldly and I know why he asked Raf. He wants to see if he likes Lizzie. "Nope, I'm not really looking for a relationship." Mg smiles brilliantly while Lizzie's face falls. I kind of feel bad but deep down I feel happy that someone finally rejected her. 

   "I think someone has a crush on you, Raf," Hope says while pointing at Lizzie's pout. Everyone looks towards the blonde and when Raf sees he looks away with pink cheeks. Penelope laughs and Hope joins in. The game goes on and everyone's pretty drunk except Hope and Penelope. Lizzie is really drunk. Her cheeks are red and she slurs her words and she asks, "What's your body count? Everyone?"

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Hope POV

    "0," Josie promptly responds. "Same," Mg says. "1," Raf says as he looks down. "0 for me," Landon says shyly. "3," Kaleb responds. "110," I say nonchalantly. Everyone stares at me. "Damn girl. Get it I guess," Kaleb says as everyone stares at me with wide eyes. Penelope is rolling on the floor laughing and I look at her confused. "What are you laughing about?" I ask Penelope. She's clutching her sides and she's heaving with laughter. "She meant the people you've slept with, dingus." "Oh," is all I say.

   Everyone stares at me and it takes a moment for Lizzie to get it. "What was the 110 about then if it wasn't about who you've slept with?" I freeze thinking about whether I should just go with it. I stare at Lizzie with cold calculated eyes to hide my embarrassment. "What do you think?" She gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. I smirk at her but a nagging feeling starts in the pit of my stomach. "Holy shit, you're a monster!" Lizzie exclaims with a look of horror on her face. I see that same look on everyone else except Penelope. That all too familiar feeling of hating myself returns. After everything that happened with my parents, hating myself became a normal thing. I look down and I drink out of the flask. "Yes. Yes I am," I say under my breath. I know Mg, Raf, and Kaleb all heard me but I don't really care and they're all too drunk to care. I feel a hand on my knee and I recognize it. It's Penelope's. I clear my throat. "Bathroom break. It's good to go before drinking," I say as I get up. I walk to the bathroom and shut the door behind me and I use a spell to lock it and another to soundproof the room.

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